How much Money does Jeff Bezos make per Second, per Day, and per Week? - Let's do the Maths!

Jasmeet Singh
Published in
9 min readOct 7, 2022


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If there was an award with the title of “the most successful entrepreneurship”, I’m pretty sure Jeff Bezos would be among the top contenders for it, among some other tech-billionaires of the world.

Among one of the most successful “garage-entrepreneurs”, Jeff Bezos is now among the top 10 billionaires in the world, according to Forbes, and owns more than sixteen companies, including Amazon.

But if you have ever wondered about the quantum of wealth (yes,`` quantum’’!; because that’s the word that truly justifies the amount of his wealth) Jeff Bezos owns?

Well — I did!

And that led me to ‘researching the money one of the richest man makes’,

Let me also confess that i got a bit super obsessed with the research and started doing the calculations per second, per minute, per day and per week.

It was a fun research project which i am pretty sure you guys are going to enjoy.

About time someone did that maths, don’t you think?

So what are we waiting for?



Jasmeet Singh

Entrepreneur| Avid reader| Reluctant blogger at |Digital marketer | A Regular family guy and a Proud Father :)