How Much Money I Made From Meta Reels Last Month and What That Means for My Business

And what it can do for yours too!

Shea Hulse


meta reels payment
Photo by Dima Solomin on Unsplash

I was invited earlier to be a part of the reels bonuses, and I honestly thought it was only going to be for one month. Little did I know that it was going to continue and that it was surprisingly easy to make money from it.

That first month I dedicated myself to one reel a week minimum, and I hit that mark fairly easily. I struggle with reels, they’re like aliens to me. My creativity is still working on it.

So with such few posts to make money from, what did I make that first month? A whopping $28! Which, if you’re a Medium writer (and you should be), it’s literally like a whopping amount. But it’s perspective here.

How much time have I spent building up my online presence?

This is the perspective thing. I’ve spent a significant amount of time, money, and effort on learning how to build a business with social media. I’ve taken branding courses…



Shea Hulse

Wife and mom of two. My books are steamy paranormal romances full of magic and mystery. I help entrepreneurial women do the same. Traveller. Dreamer. Free.