How Much Would You Give To Build Your Business

The mentality you need to build a successful online business

Andikan David
2 min readJun 14, 2024


Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash

It's easy to give up in one week.

Building a business isn’t as easy as it seems. Usually what many people see is the amount of money they’ll make or how soon they’ll become millionaires.

No one at first glance sees the struggle and the time it takes to build your business to that level.

When I first started writing online, I honestly really thought that in two months I’d be making a million dollars, for some weird reason.

There’s this rule of thumb I usually give myself, work diligently for six months on something and in the seventh month you’ll begin seeing massive results.
I wanted money fast. So I found Medium, a platform that paid writers.

I looked at other platforms I could write on including Freelancer, but I looked for the one that made the most money.

I’ve been writing for close to three months, and I’m almost close to 100 followers on Medium. It’s a big win, but not what I expected. I had to learn to reshape my mentality.

It's a hard process building a business but here are three mindset shifts that can help you while building your business

1. Focus on the goal

There’s a quote I heard one time,

"Keep your face always on the sunshine and the Shadow will fall behind you" by Walt Whitman.
Keeping your eyes on the target will help you stay consistent during periods when it feels like nothing is happening.
Why exactly did you start your business? What motivated you to want to make more money? Keep your eyes always on that particular goal.

2. See challenges as stepping stones

It does happen to the best of us. Everybody you admire today in business had a particular time when they felt like nothing was moving and wanted to give up.

Your ability to view your challenges from a different perspective can make a difference.
View your challenges as an obstacle to help you grow better and faster.

3. Create sizable goals

So you don’t feel like you aren’t making progress at all, you can make sizable goals.

Perhaps you want to build a six-figure business, you can start by setting a goal to make your first $1,000 online. Creating these goals will give you a sense of progress while still keeping you on the path to building your business.

Your mindset can be the difference between a successful online business and a failure.
The same challenges happen to successful people and failures, it’s how they react that makes all the difference.



Andikan David

Founder & CEO | I'll teach you how to build a profitable one-person business | Get my FREE Beginner's Guide⬇️