How Not Taking Anything Personally Transformed My Life

Angelina Der Arakelian
Published in
4 min readMar 5, 2021


Understanding that I am not the receiver on every end

Photo by Avi Richards on Unsplash

We spend a lot of time thinking about other people. What they think, say and do. I know I used to worry about the impression I left on others until I came to realize one simple fact:

The world doesn’t revolve around me.

That’s right. As difficult as it may be to digest, I am not standing on a pedestal above the rest of society. Yes, I am an individual, but I am not the only individual living and experiencing their own complicated life.

With that being said, I have come to understand that people’s reflections on me are not personal — meaning, they’re not meant to reflect me, but how they see me. Just as random and temporary my thoughts are of others, so are theirs of me. It has taken me a few years to grasp that people are too involved in responding to their own lives to be remarking mine for more than a few seconds — or minutes.

Photo by Hybrid on Unsplash

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Angelina Der Arakelian

An author who chases sunsets and tries to make sense of a place we call the Universe. Say hi at 💫