How Opioids Cured My Drinking Problem

Just have a bike accident and that’ll do the trick!

William Mersey
Published in
3 min readNov 19, 2020


Radovan-46Yad80 — Unsplash

Back in the ‘80’s it was cocaine. A few years later it became crack. And in the current era? Opioids. There’s always some drug whose use becomes epidemic. People just can’t get off the shit once they’re on it.

Even I, who is not an addictive type, was on opioids. But not only did I get off them without any outside intervention, but I also lost alcohol in the process.

For decades of my life, I was a beer drinker. It started when I decided to derive my love life from bars. Liquor helped me lose my inhibitions. With a few under my belt, it just felt much easier to approach women in saloons, most of whom I figured were going to reject me. And it became an every night thing.

At its culmination, I’d work like a dog for my clients all day. And then at night, I’d drink a six-pack, eat a big meal, and then pass out. Not a healthy lifestyle. I gained 30 pounds and got high blood pressure as a result.

When the doctor became concerned, I cut out all the commercial Chinese food I’d been eating every night after I got drunk. I lost 20 pounds and the high blood pressure. But I was still drinking a six pack every night. I was just chasing it with tuna salads instead of chicken with garlic sauce.



William Mersey

Daily Beast, NY Daily News, Daily Mail, Independent contributor. "In all matters of principle, it's the principle that matters." Just call me "Dollar Bill."