How Persistence Made Me A Data Scientist

You can learn and become anything you want by simply showing up and never giving in to your initial frustrations

Banji Alo


Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

I have read several stories of how professionals became Data Scientists. For many people, it was pretty straightforward. They enrolled in a data science, engineering or computer degree. These individuals were already proficient in one or more several languages, and it was comfortable for them to dive into the world of data. Others like me are self-taught.

My experience was the most challenging learning journey I had ever had to overcome.

So why was this the case for me?

The Idea

Nowadays, you need more than education to impress employers

While completing my Master of Public Health degree at the University of Queensland, Australia, I realised I needed to improve my technical skills to become more competitive in the job market. I knew grades were not enough.



Banji Alo

Data Scientist • Career Advisor • Author • FREE Data Career Welcome Kit —