How Practice Works- The Working Of Practice

The practice still remains the best method to learn and achieve anything.

Prabhank Sarwaikar
4 min readJul 10, 2023


Photo by Daniel Chekalov on Unsplash

What is practice? Its definition is very simple. Doing something, slowly-slowly, but, again and again, that’s it, that is practice. Just do something, again and again, and it will improve you slowly-slowly. See, it is this simple. But how practice works? Why it is so effective?

Practice makes a man perfect. You would have heard this as a child. But how, what is in it? When someone tries to learn something or do something, it does not come in the first attempt. This is because we are doing it for the first time, and we do not know anything about it. So, when we try to do it for the first time, we really do anything without even having an idea of what it is and how to do it and we fail because of course we did it wrong.

But after we do it for the first time, we get a little bit idea of what it is. So, the second time, we do it, we try to do it in a more careful way than the first time because this time we know what mistake we did the previous time. For example, you try to sing for the first time. But you failed to bring a melodious voice. Now, we got to know that we do not sing well, therefore, we tried to do it again, but this time in a very slightly careful way.

Again, we failed at it. Therefore, the third time we did it, we became even more careful. We again failed; we became even more aware of it. Again, we did it, in a more careful way, and again we failed. Again, we did it with more awareness, and again we did mistakes. We realize the mistakes and again we did it. This process of failing, doing mistakes, realizing them, and again doing it, kept on happening. This happened very slowly-slowly.

But this process, kept on improving, because every time you did it, you tried to improve a little bit, with more carefulness or awareness. This process kept on happening very slowly.

You do it, you did mistakes/you failed/you did something wrong, again you did it, with more carefulness. What is actually happening here?

When you do mistakes or do something wrong, those mistakes or those wrong choices, tell you what wrong you are doing. When you got to know about them, you became a little bit (not fully) more aware of those mistakes, and this time you slightly tried to avoid them. But the work was not done, you were not perfect in that. You again did and made a mistake or did it wrongly.

This time you got to know about your mistake or wrongdoing, a little bit more. And then again you did it, you avoided them even more, and again the mistakes came. This time you got to know about your mistakes in an even better way, and when again you tried to do it, you avoided them even more.

Again mistakes, again avoiding, again improving. Again mistakes, again avoiding, again improving. This became a ‘Never Ending, never give up process’. Those mistakes were telling you about what wrong you were doing. Those wrong choices you made in that work, the wrong things you did in it, also told you the way to the right path. How?

Because when you got to know what wrong you did in it, the next time you never did it, that means you avoided them. When you get to know what wrong you are doing, you also get to know what is right as well. So, you avoid the wrong thing and try to do the right thing. Simple.

You kept on improving, slowly-slowly, but again and again. When one day, you started reaching perfection to it. This is the science of practice. In this process, one thing is compulsory, which is, doing, it again and again. It is also called practicing practice, where you are also learning to do practice.

This did not come in 1 day of course. You did it very slowly, but again and again. Practice helps you do work, carefully, systematically, genuinely, and truthfully. No shortcuts, no tricks, no jokes, no fun. Only clear and cut way. Practice is a straightforward method.

There is a scientific reason behind the practice as well. When you do something, again and again, your mind records it, as the subconscious mind is recording everything, whatever you are seeing, hearing, doing, etc. The intellect, the brain, helps us in taking decisions.

When the mind sees that an activity is being repeated, again and again, it sends the message to the brain, and the brain warns you, look you did this thing before, you did this mistake, now do not do that, avoid it and be more careful this time.

The brain, the intellect, helped you in taking decisions. Each time that activity is repeated, the brain warns you, again and again. And with your self-effort and God’s grace, you perfect that thing. You keep on doing it, until it improves, someday or the other.

If we go even deeper, when an activity is repeated again and again, by you, this brain releases neural pathways, which help you in doing that thing more easily. This was just science.

This brain has no limit to learning something. It has infinite potencies and capabilities. As said in the previous article, God has infinite, eternal knowledge, and we, being God’s children and tiny parts and parcels, also urge to have infinite and eternal knowledge as well like him, so we never stop learning. Our learning continues forever, till eternity.

One of the articles, I wrote, regarding this article is below, you can check it out.

Power Of Practice- The Traditional Method | by Prabhank Sarwaikar | ILLUMINATION | May, 2023 | Medium

