How Robert Kiyosaki’s Book Changed My Life: From Med School to Economics, Entrepreneurship and Investing

Meditate Invest Repeat
Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2024

As I sit down to write this, I can’t help but reflect on the profound impact that ‘’Rich Dad Poor Dad’’ book has had on my life.

It’s not just a book, it’s a blueprint for shifting mindsets and a roadmap to receiving success.

Let’s take you on my journey of how this book changed my life.

Like many youngsters, I was on the conventional path. I was studying medicine, a nightmare for those who hate studying, including me.

One day, a friend suggested me to read a book by Robert Kiyosaki. I wasn’t sure, but I gave it a try.

Everything changed in less than a month

I quit Medicine and decided to study Economics, I started a YouTube channel, and an Instagram page and started investing in mutual funds.

If you’re still reading, I want to thank you!

Everything from that book just made sense, the idea of trading time for money seemed limiting, and learning about PASSIVE INCOME was so satisfying.

‘’Go to school, get a job, work hard, stay away from debt!’’

Robert Kiyosaki is against the education system because it is only meant to prepare you for getting a job, investing or money management should be implemented in schools too.

‘’Rat Race’’

This is how Robert described the nowadays system, because a job will not bring you financial success and you cannot get out unless you build your own PASSIVE INCOME (side hustles/businesses).

Sorry, perhaps I talked too much about the book instead of talking about myself. I liked the book a lot and got carried away. :))

Instagram Page, YouTube channel, Mutual Funds

After a very short period of time after finishing the book, I dipped my toes into the world of entrepreneurship. I created an Instagram page and I gained 5000 followers and 100$ from shoutouts.

My YouTube channel is not monetized yet but I will keep posting, meanwhile, the value of my mutual funds' investment increased by 5%.

I know, it’s not a ‘’get rich quick scheme’’, but it’s just the beginning. I am planning to start scaling and also starting new side hustles.

I have no regrets about choosing this path, I switched from the ‘’employee mindset’’ and this book is the best thing that has ever happened to me, I highly recommend it to anyone.

Thanks for reading!



Meditate Invest Repeat

💼 When I'm not deep in meditation or analyzing market trends, you can find me sipping on Romanian coffee, contemplating life's mysteries.