
How Safe To Drink Is Our Tap Water?

šŸ„°Lanu PitanšŸ„°
5 min readOct 15, 2022


Are we to boil and filter our tap water, or avoid it altogether?

There is much controversy about whether tap water is safe to drink. Photo by Bluewater Sweden on Unsplash

There is no denying the fact that our body water level averages about sixty per cent depending on the individual hydration level. So naturally drinking adequate water enables the cells to work efficiently. At the same time, we want to ensure that the water we drink is safe to support the activities of the cell.

The Seven Of The Contaminants In Our Water

The contaminants in water arise from where the water is sourced. Water comes from reservoirs, rivers, lakes, and underground (between rocks and sands). The water is then disinfected, cleaned out and aerated (gases drained out) before being transferred into a large storage tank. It is from the storage tanks that households are served, usually via underground pipes.

ā€˜Despite tap water being cleaned, it still contains a number of harmful contaminants such as heavy metals and pesticides. The cleaning process only removes bacteria, parasites, dissolved particles, algae, insects, dust and some chemicals.ā€™

It is therefore likely that water can come into contact with pesticides, microbes, and heavy metals,(that dissolved in the pipes). Here are some contaminants in ourā€¦

