Think before you swipe!

How secure is your electronic wallet? Not as secure as you think.

It turns out, problems still exist.

Dr. David Martin
Published in
5 min readJan 14, 2020


I’m a big fan of smartphone technology. Even though excessive use of our smartphones can be a problem for some of us, the fact remains. In many, many ways smartphones have enriched our lives.

I live in South Korea, which is a foreign country with a complicated language for someone like me, who is used to an Anglo-Saxon based language like English. But between my Google Maps and Google Translate apps on my smartphone, I have been freed to go anywhere in Korea my heart desires. I am no longer bound by my limited knowledge of Korean topography or language.

That’s only one of the life-changing examples of smartphone technology. There are apps for news, instant audio, and video communications, reading and listening to an unlimited book library, and apps to view TV shows and movies. It seems we are only limited by our imagination: there might even be “an app for that.”

As useful as my smartphone has been, I have always been skeptical about using my smartphone for payment transactions. I’ve always had a lurking suspicion that using my smartphone to make cashless payments by swiping it against an ‘unknown’ device exposed me to the possibility of fraud.



Dr. David Martin

I write about leadership, tech, education, current affairs and life in general from Seoul, South Korea (poetry, too!). Email me at