How Somebody Here Tried To Steal My Writer’s Money!

Plagiarism Is Theft

Liam Ireland


Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

There are many good reasons to read and follow other writers, especially those who delve into the same, or similar, subjects as yourself. What follows is one of the best reasons for doing as I suggest.

On March the 28th I published the following story…

The story did well, going mini viral with 1,500 reads and still being read every single day, so far earning me over 100 dollars!

The story also had the effect of receiving unwanted, unwarranted attention and inappropriate responses from a small handful of feminist leaning other writers. Whatever. That is not the point of this story, though it does make for an interesting footnote.

On March the 12th I chanced upon another writer I chose to follow. That was a very fortuitous move on my part. That’s because yesterday I came across that self same story of mine in my feed under another writer’s name, the one I clicked to follow back on the 12th of March.



Liam Ireland

Author, writer, Illumination Editor, Top Writer in short stories and poetry.