How Technology Can Improve a Child’s Development

Adeosun Abdulsamad
Published in
4 min readApr 30, 2023
Photo by Julia M Cameron

Our lives now revolve around technology, which has an ever-evolving influence on society. The personal growth of a kid is one area where technology may have a positive impact. Technology may be distracting or even destructive. When utilized properly, it can enhance a child's educational experience.

The following are a few ways that technology may help a child develop:

Critical thinking and deduction abilities can benefit from technology

An excellent instrument for developing a child's critical thinking abilities is technology. Educational games and applications are available for devices that aid memory retention, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Children are more likely to use these applications since they are entertaining and engaging.

Thanks to the advent of technology, children can learn new languages, read books, or watch educational videos easily. Many educational websites teach various subjects like history, geography, and others. A few of these educational apps are Encarta and Coursera.

Developing social interaction with others

Photo by Katerina Holmes

Technology can become a ladder for children facing social difficulties to help them overcome the barriers. Video chats are an effective way for kids to communicate with family and friends who live far away. Getting used to interactions with more people would help them improve their social skills over time.

Online forums and social networks also provide a platform for children to connect with others who share their interests. They can also use websites that promote penpals, which includes global penfriends. Most of these should be done with parental guidance because it also has disadvantages.

Making learning more accessible

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

Technology has already made learning more accessible for everyone, including children. Online learning platforms that provide children access to high-quality educational resources are available. Coursera and Udemy are examples of those platforms. Children who live in remote areas or lack access to educational resources can learn the same as children everywhere else.

That is not all. Having disabilities is no longer a detriment to learning as children can use assistive technology to help them communicate, discover, and navigate the world around them. These include text-to-speech software, braille displays, or mobility aids.

Encouraging physical activities with others

Technology can encourage children to be more physically active. There are fitness apps and wearables that monitor their physical activity and encourage them to keep moving. Children may also have fun while exercising by using virtual reality.

Technology can also help to promote outdoor pursuits like hiking and camping. Kids may use apps to explore the outdoors while learning about wildlife and keeping track of their progress.

Tips for using technology to promote child development

While technology can be a valuable tool for promoting child development, parents should strive to use it responsibly and appropriately. Here are some tips for using technology to help your child grow and learn:

Set limits: Set limits on your child's screen time and encourage them to take breaks and engage in other activities, such as outdoor play, reading, or creative projects.

Choose age-appropriate content: Make sure all apps, websites, and games your child uses are age-appropriate and aligned with their interests and needs.

Monitor your child's activity: Keep an eye on your child's online activity and ensure they are not engaging in unsafe or inappropriate behavior.

Use technology together: Use technology as a way to connect with your child and engage in activities together, such as playing educational games or creating art projects.

Encourage a balance: Encourage your child to use technology as part of a balanced approach to learning and development alongside traditional learning methods, physical activity, and social interactions.

Choose quality over quantity: Instead of allowing your child to use multiple apps or websites, choose a few high-quality options that align with their interests and needs.

Be a role model: Model responsible technology use by engaging in activities that promote learning, creativity, and social interaction and limiting your own screen time.

A funny mnemonic that can be used to remember these tips is "Silly Cats Make Up Extraordinary Children’s Behaviors"


Technology has the potential to enhance a child's development. It can improve reasoning and deductive abilities, social skills, creativity, learning accessibility, and physical activity promotion. But it's crucial to note that technology should only be used sparingly and under adult supervision.

In addition, parents should set screen time restrictions and select age-appropriate applications and games. Technology can be a fantastic ally in helping kids realize their full potential if used with the correct direction and support.

