How the Book “On Fire” by John O’Leary Will Spark Change in Your Life

Mrs. Wright
3 min readSep 24, 2020


“To live a radically inspired life, you must choose to go ‘All In’ each day with a purpose greater than yourself.” John O’Leary, On Fire: The 7 Choices to Ignite a Radically Inspired Life


The world is going through an unimaginable time with COVID-19, and John O’Leary’s book On Fire: The 7 Choices to Ignite a Radically Inspired Life will kindle your heart and soul. Part biography and part motivation, each chapter focuses one O’Leary’s seven choices for living with hope and optimism.

A key message from the book is learning that although we cannot usually choose what happens to us in life, we can decide how to react to those moments and how we will live our life going forward.

About the Author

When O’Leary was nine, he was burned over 100% of his body in a house fire started when he was playing with fire in his garage. 87% of his burns were third degree, and he wasn’t expected to live through the first night. He spent five months in the hospital, had to learn to walk again, and spent years in rehabilitation. This is a book of his survival and triumphs.

Unlike some other gurus or authors, O’Leary has lived his journey, and the lessons he writes come from overcoming adversity…



Mrs. Wright

Former restaurant reviewer and newspaper photographer. Married to a part-time goat farmer. BA Communications; MAEd.