How the Capitol Hill Riots, BLM Protests, and Free-the-Nipple Marches Are Different Sides of the Same Die

The Common Thread That Ties It All Together

Muhanad Halvani


Cry “Havoc!” and let slip the — motley crew of misfits and members, confederate cosplayers and nincompoops, dingbats and dunces and dorks unto the nation’s Capitol.

Trump did not use these exact words, but he might as well have when he goaded his die-hard supporters to descend on Washington and “stop the steal,” which culminated in a mob storming the US Capitol on January 6th, 2021.

It was tragic. It left four people dead. It was also a perversion of the democratic process that set a dangerous precedent. It should have called for some serious introspection. Instead, it is being exploited for confirmation bias and schadenfreude.

Liberals Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste

Before the LARPers in DC could even change into respectable outfits, the liberal media was already putting their spin on the events.

Some asserted that this is a manifestation of “white privilege.” If the rioters were black, leftist pundits claimed, they would have been shot. Sure. Never mind that BLM protesters have been running amok for years — looting, assaulting…



Muhanad Halvani

Writer and university lecturer based in Istanbul, Turkey. Author of Dangerous Narratives: An inside look into ‘the mind-forged manacles’ of the Muslim world.