How the Icelandic Word Gluggaveður Can Help You Appreciate Being at Home

A simple contemplative practice to calm the mind.

Julia Barbosa


Photo by Rhendi Rukmana on Unsplash

I’ve been bored lately. After months spending lots of time at home, there’s only so much baking, DIY and watching Netflix one can do and keep motivated.

I live in London, famous for its gray skies and miserable rainy days. But this year, the weather has been lovely. Bright sunny days, high temperatures, everything that makes the British happy.

In any other year, this would be a reason to enjoy a barbecue, spend lots of time outside and hop on the first train to the beach. Many people have done exactly that, leading to warnings of overcrowding and lack of social distancing.

I’ve been doing my best to stay in, follow the rules and avoid busy places. But it can be hard when the sun is shining every day, an untimely reminder of different times.

Bad Weather is Ideal for Contemplation

The Icelandic word gluggaveður, which translates as ‘window-weather’, refers to weather that is good to watch from your window, but less enjoyable when you’re outside. The rainy day when you sip a cup of tea listening to the pitter-patter of rain on the roof, the howling wind shaking trees outside as you watch from…



Julia Barbosa

I speak and write about personal development, the power of failure, and happiness