We Are Not All The Same

How the LGBTQ+ Leadership are Destroying Our Future, Part I

It’s Time the Gay Community Expanded Our Political Reach

Keith Michael
Published in
12 min readNov 6, 2022


Licensed Image by 4x6 via iStockPhoto

I wish this article could appear in some magazine like TIME or even Advocate. Sadly, I would not be welcomed there. But the criticisms and revelations within this piece are genuine and they need to be said if we are to move our equal rights forward. Thank you for reading to the end. All comments are welcomed and appreciated. — Keith


No one person or group owns what it means to be gay, lesbian, bi, trans, or whatever. Being gay runs the gamut of cultures, views, politics, and religions. But when gay people choose not to be part of, or are not allowed to be part of, the official gay mold or “clique”—we are hated, harassed, even bullied by so-called leaders within the gay community.

Mostly this has to do with our political and religious views.

It’s like we’ve gone “rogue”, at least a far as these self-appointed leaders are concerned. We’re on the same team, trying to achieve rights equality. But these current leaders are fostering a misguided template, a culture of hate, within the gay community, one that doesn’t want to include people who do not fit their ideas of gayness…



Keith Michael

Having spent the better part of 40 years in the Church, I’m on a Crusade with millions of others being led by GOD to Reform the Church. KeithMichael.org