How the Music of Ayreon Has Changed My Life

Astounding, glorious, and all done by a mystical space-hermit who dreams of the stars and beyond.

Ira Robinson


Image painted by Author

Though they had been around for more than a decade before I came across them, a little-known Dutch band would break my soul.

Not just mine either; my wife adores everything from them, and my children have their own passions for them.

There’s a reason Ayreon has touched my life, transforming it into something unexpected.

Twenty years ago, I was randomly surfing through forums (remember those?) looking for something to inspire me. I’d been a writer for dozens of years at that point, writing story after novel and not really getting anywhere with any of them.

That siren’s call was keening, though, dragging me around by the ears as I searched for the next thing that would touch my heart and make my mind soar with new ideas I could run with. Fodder, so to speak, for the soil that would become the next big story.

I happened on a progressive rock thread, expecting the usual suspects within that field. Of course, I was familiar with Pink Floyd. Who isn’t? Their music was powerful, altering my own views in many ways as I was growing up. I adored them.



Ira Robinson

Published author of over a dozen books and dozens of short stories, Digital painter, and streamer, and blind. Contact me at