How The World of Travel Will Change After COVID-19

Macey Malone
Published in
5 min readAug 25, 2020


What the future holds as the world begins to hit the resume button

Photo by Evgeni-Tcherkasski on Unsplash

While I write this at the Toronto Pearson International Airport, I can spot only 7 bodies sitting and wearing their masks in the already empty airport. When typically the airport sees thousands of passengers in a single day and bustling chaos all around, I am looking at only one open airport restaurant and all closed duty-free shops. After spending months in lockdown, my first trip out of Canada has shown me the reality of the world we live in right now — and it’s heartbreaking.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives in so many ways and it is evident that it won’t be the same anymore. Especially the travel industry will see so many changes in the future geared towards a safer world for everyone. One thing people are going to talk about in the next 20 years is how the year 2020 had seen a dramatic decrease in everything related to travel due to the pandemic. From canceled flights, little or no road trips to border closures, the world has experienced one of the worst times in the history of travel. The collective effort to save lives had the world economy suffer a huge blow as millions of people were forced to stay at home and with this, the travel industry has been one of the many sectors that have been significantly impacted.



Macey Malone

Traveler. Thinker. Writer — Seeking knowledge in the world of writing