How to accept being in the itty bitty titty committee

Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2021


Photo by Adrià García Sarceda on Unsplash

I didn’t recognize it at first. Not as I was doing it. Not for weeks after.

I had put pictures of my naked breasts on the internet. On my FetLife profile to be more precise.

It bowled me over. I thought the pictures were hot. (I still do). But realizing that I had come so far in accepting their size was huge for me.

When you hate the size of your breasts. You scrutinize yourself. You want to be happy in your body and confident in yourself but you nit-pick. You stare at your imperfections thinking if you just stare long enough they might disappear (or grow).

That’s the image your brain has. That you’re “less than” because puberty didn’t bless you with a more voluptuous top half.

And this is the crux of the issue. We’ve repeated these thoughts to ourselves so many times we regard them as facts. We’re looking at the (bra) cup as half empty. And believing that it’s empty.

The Cup is Not Empty.

Belief is A Repeated Thought

