How To Answer A Child When They Ask You About What You Do

Riku Arikiri
Published in
5 min readJul 5, 2020


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

It was perhaps a few weeks ago, I was sitting with my younger cousins fairly between the ages of 5–12. I usually keep children company whenever I visit my village as youthfulness can mend any broken heart or so they say. It can refresh your soul and perspective on life, even your mood as well.

My youngest cousin came to me with a bright look on his face, and asks me,

“Abi(brother), what do you do?”

I ask earnestly, “what do you mean?”

He responds, with a shy look on his face as most young boys are, “do you study, or work?”

I reply while patting his head, “Well, I am a software engineer.”

With a surprised look, on his face, he asks, “what is a software engineer?”

This question was pretty surprising perhaps, as to how to tell a child in simple terms so that he can be inspired and aspire to understand and reflect on the question and perhaps the answer. I always take challenges seriously, as there are so many opportunities that preside in them for myself and everyone. Thus I asked everyone to simmer down and huddle up around as I had a tale to tell everyone.

“Children will remember their favorite book, but they will also remember their…



Riku Arikiri

It’s never black or white. Sometimes there’s a bit of spicy red in there as well.