How to attract money into your life- The art of Abundance, Your Complete Guide

Shreya Komar
Published in
6 min readJun 29, 2020

Whether you agree or not, we all want money. Especially at a time like this!

Photo by Alexander Mils from Pexels

Some desire just enough to live and others desire huge amounts so they can live the way they want to, their dream life.

Whatever your case, you came to this article because you are unsatisfied and desire more money in your life.

There are several techniques that people use to attract energy from the universe so my goal is to be as informative as possible.

Now you don’t have to do all of these things, just find which one works best for you!

Before I delve into some useful techniques, the most important thing you need to first know is your end goal.

What do you want in the end?

You can’t just say that you want some money or more money, that’s just too vague!

You need to be specific.

Most of us just wish for more money and don’t exactly know how much. Sometimes, we are scared to even say it out loud because it sounds so unrealistic and impossible.

Well, this is your first barrier, step one: establishing your end result.

It’s pretty obvious that you can’t just start your journey without a destination or else you may end up wandering a road for years, confused where to go!

You do not want to be that person! So Just say it, no matter how unreal it may sound.

I want a million dollars

Photo by Moose Photos from Pexels

Step 2:Feel It

Imagine yourself when you have the money you want when your desire has already been fulfilled.

Feel that you already have the money and the emotions you associate with having your desired fulfilled.

Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes.

Imagine yourself when you already have the money you want. Imagine how you feel, where you are living, and how your typical day goes.

By envisioning this ideal life you are sending a message to the universe asking for your dream life.

Do this daily and you will slowly start to see change.

Photo by from Pexels

Step 3: Solidify Your Goal, Make it concrete

Scripting or writing something down helps in solidifying the thought or the goal.

Having something in written form makes it concrete as you can actually see your goals.

When manifesting for money or any other goal, you need to write in the present tense, as if you have already accomplished your goal. Ex: I have a million dollars

Your mind cannot differentiate between what is real and what is not.

It follows your thoughts and your thoughts lead to your actions which in turn affects what you do and how much you get from the universe

So it all starts in your head.

Writing down your goal in the present tense day after day helps you engrave the goal in your mind and as days go by you will start to feel closer and closer to your goal.

New opportunities will present themselves and money will come to you

Step 4: Believe! (the most challenging part)

Believing, wholeheartedly is one of the most challenging aspects of the process as many of us don't think that our dream lives are realistic or achievable.

This is when magic words such as affirmations come into play.

Affirmations are sentences said in the present tense which are meant to empower you and teach your mind to think that you already have what you are striving for.

This, in turn, can put you in a better positive mood and thus compel you to take actions you might have never taken without the correct mindset.

Given below are some powerful affirmations you should say to yourself when you wake up and as you go to bed if you want to attract money.

Money affirmations that help you attract abundance and feel abundance are:

  1. I am a money magnet.
  2. I welcome prosperity in every way.
  3. I am enriched with an abundance.
  4. Money-you are my blessing.
  5. I am open to receiving an abundance of wealth.
  6. Money comes to me every day.
  7. My skills are worthy of being paid abundantly.
  8. Money-I will take care of you.
  9. Money-I want to thank you for always being with me.
  10. I can afford anything that I want.
  11. Money-You empower me.
  12. I am incredibly wealthy and successful.
  13. Money and abundance follow me wherever I go.
  14. I trust that the universe will give me all the money that I need.
  15. Whatever money I invest or lose, comes back to me 10 fold.

Step 5: Ask yourself how you are going to use the money for the greater good

For anything good to happen in your life, you need to have a good reason behind it.

How will this money help you and the others around you? You need to be clear about that.

The better and less selfish intentions you have the more likely the universe will help you.

so tell the universe your valid reasons and justify why you absolutely need this money and how it will somehow help the greater good of humanity

Step 6: Stop the resistance

Sometimes when we think of living our dream life or having huge sums of money, there is this feeling of uneasiness and self-doubt that swells up inside us.

This tells us that we are not matched with the frequency of that goal.

When we think of getting money, we should view it as normal and easily possible, Otherwise, it will stay a dream and fail to become a possibility.

When we look at our goals from a standpoint of thinking that it’s not real, it sends a message to the universe that your dream will stay a dream and it is too far-fetched for you to ever achieve.

So make yourself feel like achieving your goals is so normal, anyone could do it!

Step 7: Be grateful

Gratitude or feeling grateful for what you already have is one of the best ways to bring abundance not your life.

When you think of the things that you already have and express gratefulness, you will feel instant joy.

You will already feel like you have everything and by doing that, you allow more good things to flow toward you

As you express what you're grateful for, you will find that you have a never-ending list of simple things that you are thankful for, this will bring you happiness for what you already have so that you take every day more positively.

Finally: Be Open!

One of the most common mistakes people make while manifesting money into their lives is that they are not open to the flow of money and abundance.

What I mean by that is, if you are fixated on not having enough money and always keep thinking about the money that you don’t have, then you are blocking the flow of universal energy and thus abundance cannot flow to him.

So be open and trust that the universe is sending you money.

Don’t think of all the money that you don’t have but think of the money that you already possess, and welcome more with an open mind.

Just let the money and abundance flow through you.

Don’t fixate on how much money you still need, feel joy, and live your life with positivity, the abundance will follow you.

I hope this article has been of immense use to you and I appreciate your time.

I hope that money will flow to you endlessly and that your life will be full of abundance.

The more of the practices mentioned above you implement in your life, the better!

Thank you so much for reading!

Happy Manifesting!

Originally published at on June 29, 2020.



Shreya Komar

Capturing mundane moments one story at at time. Interested in all things brain related. Mental Health reporter at The Stanford Daily