
How to be an Online Writer Next to Your Day Job

How to Be a Part-Time Writer Next to Your 9–5 Job

The Part-Time Writer


Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

Let’s be honest, day jobs are often soul-sucking black holes that drain our creative energy and leave us feeling like hollowed-out shells.

But hey, gotta pay the bills, right?

So, I used to drag myself out of bed each morning, put on my corporate mask, and pretend to care about TPS reports and quarterly earnings.

But deep down, there was a fire burning within me.

A longing to express my true self.

To create something meaningful.

To leave a mark on the world.

Writing was my escape from the corporate matrix. My chance to unleash my creativity and share my stories with the world.

But being a part-time writer is a constant battle against time, fatigue, and self-doubt.

I was constantly torn between my day job responsibilities and my writing aspirations.

The temptation to just lie on the couch and binge-watch Netflix after a long day is real, oh so real.

But I persevered, because I knew that words have power.

And that’s what kept me going. The late-night writing sessions, the endless cups of coffee, the countless rejections. It’s all worth it.

Of course, it’s not all rainbows and unicorns.

There are plenty of days when I felt like giving up. The rejections pile up, the words don’t flow, and the self-doubt creeps in.

And I realized that even if I would never make it big, even if my words never reach a million people, I’d still be doing something meaningful.

Some practical tips

Here are some practical tips that helped me survive.

Establish a dedicated writing space

Create a quiet and distraction-free workspace in your home or a local library. Surround yourself with writing materials, inspirational quotes, and anything else that motivates you to write. A dedicated space will help you focus and get into the writing flow.

Set realistic goals and expectations

Starting as a part-time writer requires patience and perseverance. Set achievable goals, such as writing a certain number of words per week or completing a short story by a specific deadline. Avoid comparing yourself to full-time writers, as your progress will be different.

Make the most of your time

Use your commute, lunch breaks, and evenings to write. Even if you can only squeeze in 15 minutes a day, it will add up over time.

Leverage technology

Use dictation software to transcribe your thoughts, or try voice-to-text apps to get your ideas down quickly.

Find a writing buddy or group

Having someone to share your work with and hold you accountable can be a huge motivator. Join a local writing group or find a writing buddy online.

Submit your work to publications

Don’t be afraid to submit your work to literary journals, magazines, and online publications. Every rejection is a learning opportunity.

Take breaks

Don’t try to power through your writing sessions. Take breaks when needed to avoid burnout.

Prioritize your well-being

Make sure to get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and exercise regularly. A healthy lifestyle will help you stay focused and productive.

Never give up

Writing is a marathon, not a sprint. There will be ups and downs, but if you’re persistent, you will eventually achieve your goals.



The Part-Time Writer

Helping you build an online writing career next to your 9-5 job. ✨