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Crafting Authentic Content

How to Be Authentic in The Way You Create or Write Content Online

Essentials for Genuine Online Communication

Nimish Jalan
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2024


Recently I’ve been asking one question to everyone I know — “How would you react to the world if you were to wake up after a 30-year nap?”

In just 30 years, we’ve made unimaginable technological progress. Our world no longer resembles the same principles it did only three decades ago.

With AI running rampant, several societal factions are in distress. We are experiencing some never-before-seen effects on the mental well-being of the population.

But that’s not all, AI is also threatening to take away the authenticity humans brought to the virtual world.

It is becoming tougher to differentiate the authentic from the not-so-authentic.

But people yearn for a human connection. They want to follow, connect or socialise with other humans, not with AI or a search engine.

So, thanks to my year-long writing habit, here are 4 things I learned about writing authentic content.

#1 Give Credit

There’s a saying from Mark Twain that goes like this,

“There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations. We keep on turning and making new combinations indefinitely; but they are the same old pieces of colored glass that have been in use through all the ages.”

When I began writing, I felt like a fraud whenever I had to give credit to someone else for my writing.

But since everyone is always borrowing, combining and connecting ideas it makes sense to give credit.

Doing so builds trust. The reader can look at your process, become familiar with the genesis of your thought and make you seem authentic.

#2 The Role of Emotions

We are all emotional beings.

Your writing comes across as authentic when you write from a place of emotions you’ve felt.

Your words have the power to help others relate to your emotions of joy, anger, pain, etc.

The more you reflect and recall your experience, the more convincing your writing will be.

#3 Write about Your Experiences

When you go through an experience and share it honestly, it comes across as authentic.

You can’t fool your readers since they can see through your writing.

Share experiences that moved you and helped you gain insights only you have.

#4 Admit Your Shortcomings

Portrayal of people’s lives on social media can be a bit one-dimensional.

Most of the time, most people share only their wins and happy moments.

This doesn’t help paint the actual picture.

We all go through various experiences — learn to be vulnerable and accepting of our shortcomings.

So, this is my blueprint for being authentic in a sea of creators.

What are some other factors that help creators you love stand out? Anything specific you can share?



Nimish Jalan

Prioritizing writing, experiments, failure and growth. Committed to write 365 days straight! Come say hi :)