How to Be Happy In Life (Everyday)

Ali Dgr
Published in
3 min readJul 5, 2024
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Most of the time when we try to find happiness in things like the phone, social media, or other pleasures. For example, getting a lot of likes on a photo can make us happy for a while, but the next time we get fewer likes, we feel sad.

That kind of happiness is neither real nor long-lasting. True happiness comes from within, it’s not about showing you’re happy or making others laugh.

Real happiness is about understanding and appreciating what you have right now, like being alive and having a family. Even when things aren’t perfect, you can still find reasons to be happy.

If we keep comparing ourselves to others all the time, we will always feel that something is missing. And that’s what we all do, always comparing ourselves.

But if we accept who we are and what we have, then we can find true happiness. Realizing that you are unique and you don’t have to be like anyone else.

Being grateful for what you have like your body and your life helps you feel happy. It’s about appreciating the little things and realizing that you’re alive and that it’s a miracle. This kind of understanding brings real and lasting joy to us.

8 Tips to Be Happy All the Time.

These tips help you to find your real happiness in life. If you follow these tips you will be happy all the time. Because these tips teach you what is the real happiness.

1. Happiness is Inside you.

Happiness means being happy no matter what happens around you, you don’t let it affect your happiness. You should control your happiness, don’t let external things control your happiness.

2. Focus on Good Things in Life.

If you think about good things in your life then you feel happy. If you think about sad things then you feel worse so we should always focus on positive things.

3. Keep Happiness Inside You.

Always remember that happiness does not exist in external things, it exists within you. But when you try to find it in external things like house, car, money, and relationships then you don’t get it.

Happiness is a part of your nature and you are not separate from it.

4. Everything Happens by itself.

All things in our life are connected with each other. So spend time in nature like going to a park or Going out to a nice cafe and drinking coffee or taking care of yourself. Doing these little things for yourself will make you feel better.

5. Connect with Nature.

Sometimes you go to the park and listen to the birds, feel the leaves and flowers, and look at the sky, you will feel good by doing this. It helps you feel connected to everything in nature and makes you happy.

6. Everything is Connected.

You have to understand that nature and life are all connected. Knowing this helps you understand why different things happen in life. So that you can understand and accept that all things are not in your control.

7. Our Thoughts Come From Society.

What we see, hear, and experience around us our thoughts are formed from these things. Therefore, we should take responsibility for our thoughts and actions. Because our thoughts and actions determine our success and failure in our life.

8. We All Are One.

Being a human being, you should have a soft corner in your heart for others. Learn to forgive the mistakes of others so that it gives you peace of mind. Doing this will help you feel calm and understand life better.



Ali Dgr

"Words that inspire change. Health, fitness, lifestyle, personal growth, self-care. Join me on this incredible journey! 🚀"