How To Be Noticeably Leaner in 30 Days

Three basics that will make a huge difference.

Tom C


Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

Unless you have rules you will most likely fail in your fitness goals. There can be no ambiguity. Ambiguity is a chance to make bad decisions. One bad decision ruins 100 good ones.

There are three things you need to do to get leaner. I am taking about getting leaner naturally.

Those three things need to be rules based other wise it won’t happen. Pre-deciding to do things is your best bet.

This is not a fancy technique. It is very simple but if you stick with this your body and mind will change. Just give it 30 days. What have you got to loose?

  1. Food — Cut out all added sugar and flour. Yes that means no pizza. It means no burgers with buns and it means no pasta. Rice and potatoes are OK in fact they are recommended but only once per day. Three meals in total — one meal with rice or potatoes. The other two meals should be protein and vegetables. You can skip breakfast its not that important anyway. The only things you stay away from are added sugar and flour and all of their products. Two or three meals a day, no snacks. Rice or potatoes with one meal only. It is so simple. You can eat everything else.
  2. Exercise- One hour per day. No rest days. You need to move and move a lot…

