How To Be Unapologetically Me

God'sgift Oghale Amos
Published in
4 min readJun 22, 2023

The true sense of life is becoming only you. You are only one-- that is you.

Photo by Shahram Anhari on Unsplash

How I Wanted To Become Like Everyone Called Great

Funny life isn’t it. I know, you may be wondering why. “Why" is for people who had love to know the right answer. Like me my own “why” differs from you, maybe or like everyone else. The one called the general accepted standard that’s cool with my peers at school….

Tommy is the coolest guy in my grade and I love him. I don’t know if he does love me too. But why do I love him! Tommy is brilliant in sport and academics. He had been voted twice as the best sports man and the best youth star in academics. In fourth and Sixth grade in my school. Now in the same junior high school. He still does better. All the girls flocked at him. Like always I was envious of him but not to the point of hating him. Until now, Fiona the prettiest girl in my grade hangs around him and I like her as well. For I know Tommy does not have time for her. He is just after the beauty and praises of being cut up with her. Seeing them day after day makes me sad. But how do I become better than Tommy and Sebestian (the most brilliant teen in senior high school of the same school).

Sebestian has won more trophies far more than Tommy and any one I know. He had been voted four times all through his junior and high school. He had won the toughest International Algorithm programming competition three times. Once at the age of eleven, fifteen and right now at his eighteenth birthday. Breaking the previous records only heard by Edward for the past forty years. Right now he had received hundreds of scholarship to the most competitive schools. Guess what? He is opposite of Tommy.

Tommy too has many accolades in sports but not as Marvel the ghost in grade ten. The sports star also called the Magic scorer in football and basketball. As if he was bless with all sports activities, born With it...

Every time as I looked at myself I felt what kind of person I am and started feeling loss in the school. I wanted to be like Tommy, Marvel or Sebestian. If not then any other star like Joshua, Jesse,Fiona, Dion, Gionrah,etc to feel among the greatest cool guys. Still nothing worked. I read so hard, only to fail twice,seeing my results in tears. I copied every one else I could copy and my parents were not helping matters. Still I couldn’t find that one person I presumed to be. To satisfy and call me-MYSELF. It means God favours only the crazy ones or he did his selection after birth.

So one day I sat in my desk all to myself thinking what next I could do with my own life. Besides I failed again and everyone mocked me in the hall when I tried to copy Sebestian pattern of thinking on the calculation of Newton's Laws of gravity. To my surprised everyone roared in hall. Throwing orange peels and other dirty things at me. So I vowed not to copy anyone since people would find out.

i was just thirteen…

But today I sat, still thinking what next to do with my life. Thinking in empty thought. I languished almost tears running out. As I cleaned it gently. Still remembering what transpired. Now I have lost all my friends. No one hanging around me. It seems everything conspired against me like the film the gods must be crazy. Then I picked up my bag and left for home alone.

For some weeks now. I have been alone. No distractions,no friends. Only just me. Since, I lost my friend and friends I have been concentrating on my studies and doing a lot of volunteering during the final days of my junior high school, unknown to me I have been improving and becoming more of myself unapologetically.

I was Sebestian Hero I Never Knew it.

I was looking down on myself and I never knew someone, I had wanted to copy, above me was Secretly in love with me….

After our junior high school moving to senior high school. Things had changed far more than I expected. I became myself and started feeling better and taking life more seriously. Like before I would love to hang friends, now they wait for me. Soon I started the volunteering movement in my school of helping poor kids by giving them one meal a day. During those days when I started it. It was funny and how everyone showed lack of interest but one day changed it all, when Sebestian walked up to me in front of all and said to me he had been watching at me doing this and would love to join me to save the inner kids down-town and from that day he confessed in front of all he had been admiring me. Even without me noticing and see me as a hero. Although by now Sebestian was now freshman in college. His interest boosted me to do more and with him other inner city kid joined the movement to now what's called the "One Meal Sermon".

This his how I became the Unapologetically Me. From the laughing stock to the individual who now controls the most influential volunteering group in the nation.

All I have to do is to rediscover myself and close my ears to see the other side of life by trying. And yes...with time I inspired someone that I had wanted to be...such is life!



God'sgift Oghale Amos

I am a simple "Parent Expert Doctor" me is all about Parenting+Family+Life+Tech+Children+Philosophy+Entrepreneur(ship)....+God!