How to be Yourself in a World that Wants to Change You

Being yourself is a continuous effort but doesn't need to be a struggle with these 8 golden rules

Sandra D


Large Crowd of People Outdoors
Pixabay Free Commercial Use

The truth of the matter is that being yourself is a continuous effort.

There are always expectations placed on you, people trying to mold you, nudges from society telling you who to be and how to act.

In addition, if you feel lost and unsure of yourself then it further exacerbates the issue.

So, it often becomes a daily battle of being yourself. It's a full-time job really.

It's been said that many people one day wake up and realize they have been everyone but themselves. How sad!

They have had an inner conflict that they have been unable to resolve and have constantly been pulled in different directions.

Remember we all have two pulls

The pull of the world (people, culture, society, media, etc pulling you in one direction).


The pull of your real self ( your true self/higher self pulling you towards your heart’s desires).

So how do you then navigate this and be yourself in a world that wants to change you?



Sandra D

I’m Sandra, from Australia. I'm on a mission to wake you up & unleash your potential to create a Better You. Come read my work and get inspired.