How To Beat 95% of Your Upwork Competition

Let me tell you what I saw on the other side of the platform

Diana Bernardo


Photo by Michael Starkie on Unsplash

I need to share this with you.

For the last 5 years, I’ve been on Upwork as a service provider. But this month I got to know the other side. I posted a job looking for a designer to create Canva work for my LinkedIn profile.

What followed was eye-opening.

As a service provider competing with dozens of others, you can only assume what your competition is sharing as part of their application. But being on the receiving end allows you to actually see what people write and share.

Spoiler alert: it’s cringy.

It’s bad news for those trying to find good freelancers, but it’s awesome for YOU, a well-rounded service provider who can tweak your application to stand out in a sea of garbage.

I received 37 applications for the job I posted but shortlisted only two. Let’s see what was wrong with the other 35.

The Problems With These Applications

I discarded most of the applications within the first 15 seconds of opening them. In most cases, it was because of one of the issues below.

  1. Too Much (Weird) Blah Blah Blah



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