How To Beat & Flog Your Parents To Tears, Without You Abusing Them

God'sgift Oghale Amos
Published in
5 min readJun 14, 2023

Making your parents see their fault is what every child dreams of and maybe you as a child may have felt that way too once in a lifetime, at some point in your life. Many of us like me seek for zillions of ways to make our parents see where they are wrong, to break them, to prove to them and see their fault but it seems they're always right. So what do you do now? This is for you! (I promise to make it short, Yeah!)

Photo by Claudia Wolff on Unsplash

Many a time having a smooth relationship with our parents can be daunting as a growing youth, especially teenagers. Are you among those who don't get along with your parents and get frustrated with them? Like me, my parents can be something else, and making them understand what I see can cause a little friction. This friction can grow to something else, its magnitude is something I wonder about. So I have written a little eye-opener on how you too can practice how to get along with your parents and make them see their faults. Just know I may be very wrong and I'm not an expert just personal experience.

For me, I hate it when my parents get angry easily with me. I hate it when they don't see the world from my own perspective. I hate it when they feel and when it seems they are always right and for another time I feel again, I'm wrong. Not this time again! I dislike it when even the Moon, Earth, and all the stars point out, that my parents are wrong but still, they claim to have all the Live experience and explain to me with solid facts, precisely with dates, how fully right they were. Beating their chest with their own palms right under my eyes and nose. I truly don't feel well with it when matters like this go on and on and on again. Sometimes I feel as if my own very parents don't like me or what. Are they the only people in this wide and wild universe who knows everything?

"Jonny"s parents accept their faults", I point out.

And I began to ask and also find that so many kids like me also feel that way. Although they knew about their parents’ love for them. Protecting them! They still search for ways to prove to them how wrong their parents were and would never accept their mistakes. I don’t know why many parents do that but I am sure they know why.
Feeling neglected like others I began to realize that I have to be patient to learn what life has to teach me. Perhaps this may be the formula everyone struggling with their parents out there to see, learn and add theirs.

Read also: No Field Of Knowledge Has All The Answers

So how do you beat and flog your parents without abusing them to see their faults:

Photo by Gus Moretta on Unsplash

1) You Can’t Be Right When it comes To Your Parents:

Believe it or not, as a child, youth, man, woman, or adult. To your parents, you're still that child who doesn’t know anything. Still, that child who they carried home from school and who needs help. That one who still doesn’t know anything and just needs one thing in life, directions from an experienced person. And what they know adding to their stay in this beautiful planet makes them wiser than you. And you can’t do anything about it. Knowing this first step that you can’t win, or correct them. Makes it easier for you to follow rest.
When you know this first law you are clear about what next to do.

2) Be Silent, Quiet, and Calm:

If you really want to know how to beat your parents to tears then don’t argue with them, to prove anything to them. When they talk be quiet and listen, be calm and don’t fight and tell them how wrong they are. Don’t tell them it’s 2023, that alone will make them hold on to what they know. And you have gotten nothing out of your ego. Remember, no one likes to be corrected and feel as if they are not relevant. You just have to be silent and listen all through without any break coming from you. Perhaps, you to can ask them questions to see why they are saying and doing what they do. Trust me, you’ve just opened the window where they would allow you to make contributions, though that means you can help them see where they’re wrong. One thing you have to remember actions and quietness alone speaks volume. Your quietness alone can speak to them about something you're willing to let them know for ions. What if they don’t find out? Surely, they will. Your calmness alone will make them want to find out more about you.

4) Report Them To People They Respect:

Am so sorry if this doesn't seem very well but you have to do it. Is not bad depending on how you do it and go about it. You just look for a person who your parents respect most and will be willing to share advice from. You may marvel if well redirected at the end it, may look so cool, with results you may have been looking for. But you have to do it well so you don't escalate matters out of your control. Because no one likes his family brought to the open grounds.

5) Be Patient & Endure:

You have to be patient with them and believe with time they will become more understanding and see the truth. Yes! This actually works because time reveals all things. Time stretches the brain and life experiences too. Sometimes ago I have seen a child who had a heated argument with his mum but was advised to let it go. So he let go! And after some years to his amazement his mum told him that although she made it look like he was wrong, he was actually right. How did she know that? Time!
You just have to allow time to do its job.

6) Politely Speak To Them About What You Don't Like:

Yes! All you have to do is speak to them in a polite and respectful tone. What if they don't still see it? You still don't have to do anything. Here, the conscience works.

7) Pray For Them:

I don't know what you believe in but I know in all religions/traditions every one has this form of talking to their God. So you should use this medium to discuss your worries and soon your secret/opened prayer will be granted by God. Don't be surprised then when you see changes happening. However, there are so many stories and testimony about the power of prayers.



God'sgift Oghale Amos

I am a simple "Parent Expert Doctor" me is all about Parenting+Family+Life+Tech+Children+Philosophy+Entrepreneur(ship)....+God!