How to Beat Your “Dream-Stealing” Head Trash

Change your perspective — change your life!

Jim Palmer
3 min readOct 18, 2022


Photo by Bret Kavanaugh on Unsplash

“Head trash” is what I call the large collection of feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and experiences that you’ve accumulated since you were born.

Left unchecked, negative head trash will cause paralyzing fear and will most certainly limit or derail your success as an entrepreneur.

Here are five powerful strategies that you can use to crush your head trash, greatly improving your chances of finally growing your Dream Business so you, too, can live your Dream Lifestyle.

Strategy 1: Take an Honest Look at Your Day

What is going on in your head all day long?

This is real “gut-check” truth-telling.

How much time do you spend worrying about what “might” happen instead of being in positive, forward-moving action?

Are you polluting your energy with negative thoughts that require enormous time just to sort through?

Strategy 2: Utilize Coaches and Mastermind Groups

Highly successful people work with coaches.

Coaches help you move forward faster if you are wise to work with a coach with a proven track record.

Coaches can also save you from costly mistakes.

Strategy 3: Decide to Take Action

Head trash can be paralyzing.

There is no shortage of excuses for why you might not be doing everything possible to build your own business.

The fact is, you cannot expect your business to give you what you are not willing to give to your business.

Your business is not a hobby, or is it?

Step it up. Be the Captain.

Strategy 4: Face Your Fears Head On

This proved very effective with my own early, success-limiting head trash.

Fear is part of human existence.

High earners learn to push through fear, kicking it to the curb whenever it pops up.

The alternative is to accept slow-to-no growth in your business.

At the root of most fear is worry about what others will think of you.

If this is you, move on to strategy five.

Strategy 5: Grow a Thick Skin

What we believe and think about takes root.

“What will other people think about me?”

is a big question we all have.

In fact, it’s a driving force in a lot of our lives.

What I tell my coaching clients is this: first of all, most people aren’t thinking about you nearly as much as you think.

And second those of your paying customers.

Everything else is just noise.

If you’re truly ready to grow your Dream Business, so you too can live your Dream Lifestyle, then connect with me!

If you would like to learn more about how to build your Dream Business and achieve YOUR SUCCESS NOW rather than some time in the future, explore my website — including the mastermind, and our other Dream Business solutions!

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash



Jim Palmer

Jim Palmer is a dream business coach and marketing expert, founder of the Dream Business Academy and Dream Business Coaching Program. Visit