How To Become An Expert At Any New Skill

Liza Blue
Published in
4 min readJul 28, 2020


The Art of Mastering the Boring Fundamentals

Photo by Andrea Junqueira on Unsplash

“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought with ardor and attended to with diligence” — Abigail Adams

At the start of this year, I wanted to learn Chinese. So I applied to a language course.

The first class was boring, to say the least.

The teacher rambled on and on about tone, pronunciation and grammar. She didn’t mention any phrases that we could use in conversation or even how to introduce ourselves.

I walked out of that class very confused.

Why weren’t we learning how to actually speak in Chinese? Why were we simply learning how to pronounce the tones correctly?

It wasn’t until my second class, that I realised that in order to say simple phrases we needed to know how to pronounce basic tones.

The initial grammar, pronunciation and tones that my Chinese teacher had emphasised during my first language class was the “Boring Fundamentals”.

What are the Boring Fundamentals?

The boring fundamentals consist of the basic knowledge and skills that you need to begin learning a new skill.



Liza Blue

Writer and Virtual Assistant. Articles for lovers of personal growth, finance, and storytelling. Connect with me here: