How To Become Relentlessly Patient in 3 Simple Steps

Simple, not easy

Jon Svec
2 min readFeb 17, 2024


Photo by Nathalie Désirée Mottet on Unsplash

Think of the word patience.

What do you see?

Someone sitting quietly on a hillside, waiting for something to happen?

That definition won’t get anywhere.

No, in order to achieve your goals you must be fanatical in the short term, but patient in your desire for results.

Here are three keys to developing a relentless patience:

Start Moving

Relentless patience is about MOTION.

Pick something and get moving.

And just to be clear, this doesn’t include thinking about action. It’s not about planning.

You have to get on your feet and go.

Maybe, after some time, you’ll find you’re going in the wrong direction.


Adjust your course and keep your feet moving.

This is a vital component.

Love the Grind

As you’re moving, you’re achieving micro wins.

These wins come in many forms.

Sometimes it’s a lesson, framed as a loss. Sometimes it’s about getting 1% better at your craft.

You often can’t see these wins in the short term, but that doesn’t matter to the relentlessly patient.

They’ve learned to love the process.

Repeat Indefinitely

Don’t think about the results.

Don’t focus on some faraway goal, wishing you were already there.

Just keep moving.

You’ll soon realize you’re already winning.

Put your focus and energy in the right places, and the achievements will eventually start to pile up.

But by then, they won’t even matter.

You’re too busy improving.

Final Thoughts

It’s amazing how a relentlessly patient mindset will change your life.

Start moving, enjoy the grind, and never stop.

Then see how far you’ll go.

