How to become your own Coach?

Boost your Affirmations with Afformations!?

Karmen Jurela


Foto von Allan Mas von Pexels

You have probably encountered affirmations before:
You formulate a sentence with a desirable statement as if it were already a reality. Affirmations often begin with “I am …” or “I have …” because these words are some of the most convincing words to impregnate our brains.
Great affirmations sound like “I am happy”, “I am healthy”, “I am strong”, “I have everything I want” and similar.

Words and Hearing

Everything we listen to throughout the day shapes our brains. If you hear, “you are competent,” all your life you will eventually start to believe that you are competent. Hearing this will lead you to situations in which you act effectively and successfully and altogether you will produce proof that you are competent. This will reinforce your belief that you are competent.
Quod erat demonstrandum.

Brain shaping through words

What we hear directly affects our synapses. Hearing can reinforce old synapses and create new ones. The same goes for unused synapses: they go down when nothing calls them for a longer time.
The world is full of affirmations that we absorb daily with pop culture, (“I’m a creep”), advertising…

