How to Bounce Back From Burnout

Katie Critelli
Published in
9 min readOct 22, 2023


Why your stress response breaks down — and how to find your energy and joy again

Photo from Antonio Guillem on Shutterstock | Used under license

About five years ago on my way home from work in New York City, I realized I was exhausted.

But it wasn’t normal exhaustion. No matter how much sleep I got or how many espressos I drank, I barely had the energy to stand up for my 20 minute commute. I was tired down to my bones.

I was only 25, but my body was so deeply burnt out that I could barely function.

In the end, I took time off work to recover and began what would turn out to be a five year journey back to full health. I slowly healed my body by addressing the puzzle pieces that made me sick in the first place: food sensitivities and a damaged gut, toxins, poor diet, and a Lyme disease infection. Yet for a long time, I didn’t feel like the best version of myself.

It wasn’t until recently that I found the final puzzle piece: the stress response. Since I’ve begun working on my stress response, I’m not only more relaxed and energetic, but my lens on life has changed. I’m excited to meet people, to explore, and to try new things in a way I haven’t been in years. I feel the joy and playfulness in life again.

Before sharing how I’ve gotten there, let me explain how the stress response breaks down in the first place.



Katie Critelli

I help people discover more pleasure, joy, and vitality in life. Find me here: