How To Build a Successful Online Brand

“It’s hard to find things that won’t sell online.” -Jeff Bezos

Arsalan Haroon
4 min readDec 26, 2020


There are so many online brands out there today but didn’t get success why? Because they don’t follow the steps that I tell you in this article SO How to build an online brand that becomes successful all over the world.

At this time it’s so much easier for you to launch your online brand. you just create your product and launch it online But that’s also a risk. There is no guarantee that your product becomes successful. So how do you manage this risk?

If you are creating your product it requires a lot of time and hard work. but still that failure then it hurts more and some people quit for this and some don’t try it because of this fear.

But you need to understand that if you want to overcome this fear. So first you need to sell someone else’s product. so you can learn how you get sales online and the best thing about this is that you don’t require any money to spend.


Affiliate Marketing

In the online world, you can do that with affiliate marketing. you just need to create your free Amazon associate account and you go to someone else’s product then it will give you the link to that product.

You can paste it where you want to sell this and if someone goes to the product with your link and buys it. you can get a commission for it, some people earn a thousand dollars from this.

But our focus is just learning how to sell online so whenever you create your product you know which feature and requirement your customers need will give you the sense of what product people buy the most online or whatnot so by these metrics.

You can then create your product with your Brand and the chances are high That your brand becomes successful because you lower your risk and your competitor didn’t do that, so he is afraid of this that his product will become successful or not.

But you know what products sell successfully online because you have experience in the past. so start with affiliate marketing if you want to lower your risk and Build an online brand.

Back to the question of how to build an online Brand first you need to research your industry let say you have a clothing industry and you want to sell t-shirts of your online brand

Research About Your Industry

You need to research what t-shirt you want to sell and which price so look at your competitor and see the same t-shirts price that you want to sell online. This will give you an idea about how much price you need to sell your product.

Identify Your Target Audience

Targeting the right audience will save your time and money that you spend in advertising. you need to know about your target audience budget if you are targeting the middle class then make sure your price is not too high.

So that your target audience can afford and buy your product. This will give a positive image of your brand, and they will know that you are the right brand for them. Building an online brand is easy but successfully running it is not easy.

Choose Your Brand Name

The name of your brand really matters a lot so make sure you take time and think a lot before taking a final decision. because your brand name is the identity of your brand. I will recommend you just choose one word of your brand name just Like Google, Facebook, Amazon, Gucci.

Most of the successful brands have chosen one-word for their brand name. because it’s simple and easy to remember one word. you need to find one word that will become the identity of your brand and people remember your brand with that one word.

If your brand name has 3 to 5 words it looks so overwhelming to your audience and sometimes your audience won’t remember your brand name.

Choose The Look of Your Brand (Colors and Font)

Choose colors that will look elegant and build the trust of your customer. colors of your brand will have the ability to convince your customer that they will buy from you.

Imagine I have 2 sites and one looks great and the other one is not so good but the price is the same so which site do you buy that product? The website which will look elegant and good right.

Plan Your Marketing Strategy

You create your site and create all social media accounts as well and put your product as well but if there is none so how can you sell them?

There is marketing strategy comes in, plan your marketing strategy first before building an online brand because if you don’t do this thing right. you didn’t get sales if you don’t get sales it means your brand is really matters a lot than anyone else because this one thing will give you success if you do right.


