How to Build Lasting Connections Anywhere: Friends and Dates

2 easy ways to be more interesting in social interactions.

3 min readJul 8, 2024


Photo by Surface on Unsplash

This guide doesn’t care if you are an extrovert or an introvert it will help you regardless.

There are two main ways that are the most important and some small tips that make you even look better while talking to people.

  1. Being interested instead of being interesting
  2. Being a good listener

Yes, being interested makes you more interesting, leading to your popularity in social circles.

Instead of making lots of jokes in the first interaction and trying to be funny, you can ask about their life and literally anything about them such as their education, talents, pets, or even their favorite car!

You need to listen to what the other person is saying, which could be the questions above or even a deeper conversation.

It’s fine to goof around a bit to make the atmosphere less serious and more friendly but remember to not overdo it.

Trust me, most people would rather be heard than participate in casual conversation.

Think about yourself, do you want to be in a situation where no one lets you talk or in a situation where people (or a person) talking to you are truly interested in what you’ve got to say? Which one makes you fit in and feel more accepted?

This also means that if you are in a romantic relationship you can sit there on your first date and not say much but listen to what the other person says.

Humans are social creatures and that will make them feel accepted and make you look more attractive.

Some quick tips to make you more interesting are:

  1. Smile: A smiling face is generally more attractive than a frowning one.
  2. Eye Contact: This conveys confidence, even if you’re not social.

As easy as they may sound they’re not easy when talking to a new person you’ve never seen/talked to before.

You don’t know if they’re a serious person or someone who likes to joke around. Someone who engages in small talk only or a person who feels free to share their personal life.

You have to analyze the situation you are in and act accordingly.

For example, if you are engaged in a deep and serious talk, smiling a lot may make you look not very interested and not engaged in the talk.

In general, having a smiley face is far more attractive than a frowning serious face.

Eye contact is the other factor that will make you look more confident even if you aren’t a very social person.

Long stares in someone’s eyes may become awkward so here is a trick you can use to make it more natural.

Look at them in their right eye for 5–10 seconds then switch to their left eye. Repeat this until you are talking.

Remember if your eyes wander around, look to the right side and the left side of their head not up and down.

If you look up and down it will make you look less confident but if you look left and right it means you are analyzing the environment; see the difference?

I hope this guide helps you to find more friends or to enhance your social networking skills.

See you in the next one ;)

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A fellow who loves to read, write, learn and create! I will write about productivity, fitness, personal life, fashion, business and a lot of interesting things.