How to Build Self-Discipline and Stay Motivated?

Saquib Aftab
Published in
2 min readAug 6, 2024
Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

It is very important to develop self-discipline to combat the everyday distractions. Discipline helps us do more and maintain the motivation to work and move forward.

Set Clear Goals

First, set clear and achievable goals. If you have a larger goal, break it down into small chunks. It is easier to manage and complete smaller tasks. This sense of completion gives us motivation and a dopamine hit to continue the journey.

Create a Routine

This does not mean that we set hard time limits for all functions of the day. It simply means a block calendar for some important tasks that you want to achieve on that day. It also involves creating a routine for sleep and wake time to better manage our day.

Prioritise Tasks

Take at most 3 tasks that you want to achieve in the day. Prioritise them and block time on the calendar for the same. Try to complete the most important tasks first. Getting the important tasks first boosts our productivity for the rest of the day.

Eliminate Distractions

Deep work is a concept where we work in a completely distraction-free environment. To produce the best results we need time for deep work. Keep your phones in another room, block the apps, and turn off the notifications. Try to create a distraction-free environment for your best work.

Do Not Quit

Building discipline takes time. It is never an easy task to build or break a habit. So stay focussed and keep doing, even though it gets tough. Remember the reason you started building self-discipline and what you want to achieve with this practice.

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Until Next Time
Saquib Aftab



Saquib Aftab

Lead Software Engineer | Java | Technology | Productivity | Learning and Improving to become a better developer