Building High-Performing Teams in New Organizations

Ramkumar K
Published in
6 min readMay 1, 2023


You are appointed leader of a recently created department resulting from a company reorg – how do you build your team?

Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash


New departments and teams are perennially created across organizations. Sometimes, these are a result of restructuring to bring administrative efficiencies in the organization. On other occasions, these are created to work on strategic initiatives for a company. Regardless of the reason, the one thing they all have in common is that, while they have a certain mandate and set of objectives, tactical details are often left open for the team to figure out. These include processes to follow, systems to be used, team members to be hired, KPIs to be targeted and initiatives to be prioritized. One of the most important decisions is staffing the team. Team members set the tone for the team culture driving its effectiveness and efficiency. If you are the Director of such a team, it is critical to ensure that people with the right skillset, competencies, and attitudes are in the right roles. Over the course of my career, I’ve had a chance to build teams in supply chain and R&D organizations across industries. Based on those experiences, I will discuss a bottom-up approach in this post on building high-performing teams in new organizations.

Where do you start?



Ramkumar K

Supply Chain & Operations | AI/ML | Modeling & Optimization | Product Management | Consulting