How to Capitalize on All Your Mistakes

You need to find the gifts in all your blunders

Nate Sanna
Curated Newsletters


When I was 11, a friend and I decided to try and hack into a classmate’s email account.

It wasn’t for malicious purposes. It’s not like they had bank account details or legal documents in their inbox. We just wanted to look cool in front of our friends.

One day after class, we logged onto one of the school computers and Googled “How to find your friend’s Yahoo password”.

Excited that Google found results, we eagerly clicked on the first link — a site that promised us we could find anyone’s password. All we had to do was type in our own email and password and the email of the person we wanted to hack. They’d send us the person’s password within 24 hours!

A week later, I still hadn’t received an email with my friend’s password. My innocent little mind wondered why it was taking so long.

I decided to try again. But this time as I looked for the same website, I came across an article warning me not to give out my email and password details to anyone online. It was only then that it clicked. I’d been scammed.

To this day, I still remember that feeling. The realization that I’d been completely and utterly bamboozled.



Nate Sanna
Curated Newsletters

I write about tech, love, life and whatever else I'm learning