How To Change Your Life in 2024

Time to take the right steps

Naveen Thangavel
5 min readJan 7, 2024


Photo by Bubi Bubi

Yes, 2023 went by like a rocket, and some of you might be disappointed that you didn’t accomplish anything meaningful during the year.

If you feel like you’ve wasted another year in life, then welcome to the club; you’re not alone.

People often feel motivated to do something meaningful in the upcoming new year, but sadly, many lose interest within a week and revert to their usual routine.

These things keep happening every year, so now is the right time to put an end to this cycle.

This article gives you a clear picture of what you need to do to make 2024 meaningful and successful. Let’s jump right in.

1. Set Clarity by Asking the Right Questions

Lack of consistency is a common hurdle to productivity in life. While we all know what to do, we often lose track and mindlessly engage in activities that have no value.

So, how could asking yourself questions make you more productive?

Every day, I ask myself these three questions before starting my day:

What do I want to achieve today?

What is the one skill that I truly want to learn today?

How can I improve in my work?

Some of you might be wondering, ‘What changes will it make?’

Asking these three questions provides clarity about what you have to do in a day and helps you focus only on things that are important.

This is crucial because we often lack this clarity and end up focusing on things that are not important at all.

2. Habits to Boost Your Energy and Sleep

No matter how good your intentions are, if you lack energy or sleep poorly, you can’t achieve anything meaningful in a day.

Energy is crucial, so how can you increase it? Follow these two habits that don’t even take up 30 minutes of your time.


I could talk about meditation all day; it’s a habit I’ve recommended to all my friends. It’s how meditation changed my life, and it can change yours too.

With stressful jobs, waiting for weekends to refresh your mind may not be sustainable. How long do you think that would work? You need to do something different daily to alleviate stress.

The best way is to start practicing meditation. If you don’t like meditation, simply sit alone in silence for a few minutes.

Ten minutes is all you need to start, and you don’t have to watch lots of tutorials or take long courses.

Just follow these easy steps:

Sit comfortably, breathe in and out slowly.

Inhale for four counts

Hold for four counts

Exhale for four counts, and hold for four counts.

Repeat this four times.


Diabetes, blood pressure, and mental health issues continue to rise every year. It’s disheartening to witness even the younger generation struggling to safeguard their physical and mental health.

In a 2016 study, researchers found that taking a light walk for 10 minutes after each meal helps in managing blood sugar.

Most doctors advise their patients to walk more, and numerous articles and videos on the internet emphasize the benefits of walking. Additionally, walking contributes to improving your sleep.

For over two years now, I’ve been taking a 10-minute walk after dinner, and I can confidently say that it has helped me reduce negative thoughts.

In the past, my worries would keep me awake for 2 to 3 hours in bed, but nowadays, I fall asleep within 5 to 10 minutes.

The good thing is that after walking, your mind feels calm, and you don’t dwell on those thoughts when you’re in bed.

So, how long should you walk? I typically walk for 10 to 20 minutes, depending on my work schedule.

I recommend a minimum of 10 minutes right after dinner.

3. Journaling

While taking stairs, do you lead with your right or left leg?

When eating, which side do you chew on first?

If you found it challenging to answer these questions quickly, you’re not alone.

We often live on autopilot, repeating the same routine day in and day out. Most days, we don’t even realize how we’ve reached the weekend, and before we know it, Monday morning anxiety sets in again.

To break this cycle and make each day more meaningful, it’s essential to track your thoughts and goals.

Journaling is the best way to do it. You don’t have to follow specific journaling methods or buy expensive journals on Amazon. Instead, grab a notebook and write whatever comes to your mind.

If you need to organize it, follow my simple technique:

Write how your day went in two lines.

Write down one thing you’ve learned each day.

Identify what you need to focus on tomorrow.

List three things you’re grateful for.

If you journal every day without even realizing it, you’ll start committing more to your objectives, and subconsciously, you’ll build confidence.

Allocate just five minutes a day for journaling, and I recommend doing it before going to sleep. This practice helps you feel calm and concludes the day on a positive note.

4. Keep Going

Let’s debunk another major myth about productivity: the claim that one can be productive all day, every day throughout the year.

The truth is, there will be days when you feel like you don’t want to get up from the couch.

This is a common experience, applicable even to self-proclaimed productivity gurus. No expert would tell you they are productive every single moment.

If you find yourself wasting a day without accomplishing anything, be honest with yourself. Write about it in your journal and start the next day with a fresh mindset.

Avoid breaking the productive chain for more than two days; continuous lapses can make your mind resistant to getting back on track, leaning towards lazy habits.

To overcome unproductive days, try reading books and watching your favorite self-help content.

Personally, I rewatch Steve Jobs’ famous Stanford speech on days I feel low, and I also revisit my favorite book, ‘Keep Going’ by Austin Kleon.

5. Time for Weekly Review

On Sunday evenings, I like to take a walk on my terrace and reflect on how my week went.

What did I learn?

Did I make any meaningful progress towards my goals?

What should I focus on in the upcoming week?

Answering these three questions doesn’t take much time but it's crucial. Why is conducting a weekly review important?

Recalling what you’ve learned strengthens your memory muscle, and evaluating your progress helps set priorities, giving you energy and confidence for the upcoming week.


Having the best year is subjective and varies for different people based on their goals.

By setting clarity, increasing your energy, tracking, staying motivated, and conducting regular reviews, you can confidently move towards your goals.

Without a doubt, you’ll see improvements compared to the previous year.

I wish this year is filled with accomplishments for you.

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Naveen Thangavel

Business Analyst | Trader | YouTuber: Writing about self-help, psychology, meditation, and financial freedom.