How to Choose a Skilled Intuitive

Deborah Holmén
Published in
6 min readFeb 17, 2024

Discover 6 Essential Tips for Finding the Right Psychic Advisor

By Deborah Holmén, M.Ed., NBCT

Man walking in woods with etherial sunlight shining through, and Albert Einstein’s quote about the intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
Deborah Holmen by Canva

There has been a growing recognition of the valuable role that modern-day psychics and mediums play in the field of mental health. These gifted individuals can tap into realms beyond our everyday understanding, shedding light on the many layers of the human psyche and offering profound insights and healing. With their compassionate guidance and intuitive wisdom, psychics and mediums are revolutionizing a novel approach to the way we view and treat mental health issues.

With the increasing interest in spirituality, a Pew Research study in 2022 survey found that almost 90% of Americans believe in at least one aspect of "new-age spiritualism," such as telepathy, reincarnation, or astrology.

As I delved deeper into my research for my historical fiction novel, I realized I needed to understand a character I developed with psychic abilities. Since I wasn’t familiar with the concept and the service they provide, I started watching the cable channel psychics to understand what they did and how they worked.

I was curious about the experience of receiving a psychic reading and whether the information shared would be scary or startling. Initially, I was skeptical about the whole thing since I had never considered using a psychic before. If you knew me, you’d realize this was far from my Type-A personality. However, as I continued to explore the topic, my curiosity grew, and I became more intrigued by the idea of intuitive readings and having one done. After much research and reading reviews, I came upon Mesina Sanders-Gittins of Psychic Whispers.

After speaking with Sanders-Gittins, my perspective changed in a way that surprised me. Gittins provided me with detailed information about someone I was in a romantic relationship with, and this helped me to realize that he was not being truthful with me. Her guidance also helped me to trust my intuition more and make better choices in my relationships. I have come to know Sanders-Gittins very well over the past decade, and her guidance has profoundly impacted me.

I have worked with numerous intuitives throughout my career and have even written professionally for a few of them. Among these successful mediums is Veronica Drake, who takes a unique approach to her business by helping her clients find their life’s purpose. With almost twenty years of experience, Vee, as she is lovingly called by her clients, specializes in guiding women to connect with their intuition, empowering them to make better decisions, live confidently, and discover their life’s path.

Vee’s courses and sessions emphasize how we all can connect with our intuition but that it requires practice and a willingness to tap into a part of ourselves that may have been dormant.

What are they?

If you need clarification on the difference between a psychic and a medium, there are some differences and similarities.

A psychic intuitive is someone with a heightened sense of intuition and can use this ability to gain insights into a person’s past, present, or future by reading the vibration and energy of the person or situation. They may use tools such as tarot cards, astrology, or other divination methods to help guide their intuition and guide those seeking their services.

A medium is a person who has the intuitive skills to communicate with the spirits of the deceased or the spiritual realm. They act as a channel or intermediary between the physical and spiritual worlds, relaying messages or information from the spirits to the living. Many mediums have noted that it takes just allowing your mind to be open to channeling messages and not allowing judgment or the human ego to interfere.

How to choose wisely

When it comes to choosing a skilled psychic or medium, it is crucial to consider several factors to ensure you find a practitioner who is reputable and trustworthy.

Read reviews

One of the first steps in this process is conducting thorough research and seeking recommendations from trusted sources. You can better understand the psychic’s reputation and the experiences of others seeking guidance by reading reviews and testimonials. Additionally, word-of-mouth referrals can be incredibly valuable in finding a psychic who aligns with your needs and expectations.

Experience is key

When looking for a psychic or medium, experience is a crucial factor to consider. A proficient practitioner usually has years of experience and might be associated with professional organizations or hold certifications demonstrating their expertise in coaching or conventional therapy.

However, this is only sometimes the case. It is also essential to determine if they carry out readings on other platforms or in different circles. Like reading reviews, understanding how they have refined their skills over time can aid in determining whether to use their services.

Trusting your instincts

Using your own intuition is another critical aspect of selecting a suitable psychic or medium for your needs. Your intuition can be a powerful tool in discerning whether the practitioner is the right fit for you.

If something feels off or if you get a negative vibe, it is perfectly acceptable to seek out another practitioner. Your comfort and trust in the psychic are of utmost importance, as a strong rapport will facilitate a deeper connection and enhance the session’s effectiveness.


Clear communication is an essential characteristic of a skilled psychic or medium. They should be able to explain their process, answer any questions you may have, and provide compassionate guidance.

A reputable psychic will take the time to listen attentively and thoroughly understand your concerns before offering insights and advice. Their ability to communicate openly fosters a supportive and healing environment.

Trust and ethical practices

Ethical practices are another crucial consideration. It is vital to avoid practitioners who make unrealistic promises, use fear tactics, or pressure you into additional services.

A reputable psychic or medium will always prioritize your well-being, providing guidance that empowers you to make informed decisions and control your healing process. These practitioners establish a strong foundation of trust and integrity by adhering to strict ethical guidelines often found on their websites.

Test the waters

Before committing to a full reading, scheduling a sample reading or consultation with the psychic is advisable. This allows you to assess their abilities and determine whether their approach resonates with you.

It also provides an opportunity to establish a personal connection, ultimately one of the most critical factors in choosing a skilled psychic or medium. When you feel a deep resonance and sense of comfort with a practitioner, you are more likely to experience transformative and healing results.

Modern-day intuitives are making a significant impact on the mental health world. Their ability to tap into the unseen realms of the human psyche, offer profound insights, and provide compassionate guidance is changing how we view and address mental health issues.

By following the steps outlined above and selecting a reputable and trustworthy practitioner, you can experience the transformative power of psychic and mediumship abilities firsthand. Open your mind and heart to the wisdom of these gifted individuals, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

Woman in a field with the light of a sunset shining on her as she prays
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Drawing from the inspirational memoir and personal development book, It Takes A Lot of Sh*t to Grow Beautiful Flowers: A Gardener’s Guide to Life, Deborah Holmén delves into actionable steps that can help us embrace life’s challenges and grow into the best versions of ourselves.

Know that the information provided in this article is intended for your general information only and is an expression of opinion–not to be construed as legal, medical, or psychological advice.

Please seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider immediately if you have any questions regarding medical and psychological conditions or are experiencing symptoms.



Deborah Holmén

Sharing my musing on the human experience and tapping into our greater purpose. Writer at The Good Men Project, A Parent is Born, Illumination, and more.