How to Choose What College Course To Take and Where to Take It

Hilbeth Jean Melencion
Published in
3 min readMar 25, 2023

Quit hemming and hamming. You can decide now.

Photo by Jakob Rosen on Unsplash

College is the most anticipated level of education for every student. Choosing what course to take in college is both exciting and confusing. Not to mention, very crucial.

You'll be investing money and at least four years of your life in college. You might wanna choose the best fit for you, and the kind of life you envision having in the future.

Choosing which course to take and which school to enrol was a very confusing, and frustrating experience for me.

It doesn't have to be for you.

Here are 6 things you need to consider before choosing a college course and a university:

1. Favorite subjects.
Pointing out your favorite subjects will help you determine your interests. It may also indicate what field you excel. This will help you narrow down your choices.

In my experience, I always knew I loved Mathematics and Science. This was the reason I pursued STEM as a Senior High strand and Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering as a college course.

2. Dream Career/(s)
It is important that you consider your dreams-- even the silly ones. This gives you excitement. This will direct you to where you want to go.

3. NCAE Result
If you are confident you answered the National Career Assessment Examination honestly in High School, this result might tell you which path to choose.

Although, it may also lead you to paths that were interesting to you when you were still a young and carefree high school student.

Consider the result which still resonates with you, now.

4. Peers
Do you have friends with the same interest? You might want to consider going to a school where your peers go.

Although, you can still make amazing new friends in college. College is better with friends because it can be intimidating to a lonely new student.

It sure was intimidating to me.

5. Role in the society that you want to take.
How do you see yourself as a member of society-- now and in the future? Do you want to be a leader? Or a peace enforcer? The role you want should coincide with your course.

5. Availability of the Course.
You might also want to consider where and how many colleges offer the course you want.

The location of the school will tell you how much effort you have to exert in going back and forth to the school.

You should weigh the merits of each school that offers your course.

Is it worthy? Choose the most worthy and appropriate school for you.

6. Tuition

The money matter really does matter. College can be costly. But don’t make that stop you. In the Philippines, the Commission on Higher Education together with the Philippine Government removed tuition from most of the Local Universities and Colleges. Find universities that are part of this program.

7. Scholarships

There are many scholarship opportunities out there to help you with your financial needs. To mention some:

  • DOST
  • Tertiary Education Subsidy

I hope this is the last site you have to read before you decide what and which college course to take. Goodluck!

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It will be a great help for her review for the Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering board exam soon.

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Hilbeth Jean Melencion

I am just a curious little curio. A graduate of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering.