How To Claim Your Power?

5 Steps On How to Be Your Self?

Mike_Bhantz Biographies
7 min readAug 5, 2020


Photo by Ava Sol on Unsplash


Your is all about having self-confidence and be able to be your true self in all aspects of your life. From the time we are born, we will be raised to be a version of ourselves that please others. Whether it comes from the way, you interact with your family or how you were taught in school. We learn to put a mask on and be an actor in our life.

1. Assess Yourself

Have you ever felt like your behavior and the way that you held yourself varied depending on who is around you and where you are?

We tend to play a different role when we are with individuals that we want to please or want to make sure that they like us. For example, you might behave in a completely different way if you are at work or with people you just met and want to be friends with them. We tend to be ourselves when we are at home or with childhood friends. That is when we let our guards down and become more vulnerable and less worried about how others might perceive us.

The following questions will help you identify which area of your life you are the best version of yourself. The answer is yes or no, pick the answer the closest to how you feel (mostly yes or mostly no).

In the previous step, you’ve learned a little bit more about yourself in various situations of life. Let’s continue on this journey to honesty and discovery. Being dishonest is one of the most common mistakes we make in life that keeps our power at bay.

It takes a long time to realize that the external world is a projection of what is happening internally. Since the external world is a pure reflection of us, it can give us a lot of information about ourselves when we take the time to observe and be aware. But we have to take the time to reflect and be honest about what we truly feel inside.

For example, if you hate your job, it could be a sign that you technically don’t recognize your skills and abilities. That you are unable to clearly see what you are capable of and therefore settle for jobs that you dislike. It’s almost like you are creating your own misery.

3. Tame Your Triggers

Are there some subjects that you avoid discussing with others because you know you will be angry or frustrated? Do you sometimes find yourself easily offended by others? Learning your triggers will help you to move from being reactive to claiming your

When we are triggered by something external to us, we tend to blame others for what we are experiencing. Blaming others for our state of mind and situation is living a victim mindset. The faster you can learn to stop reacting to others; the faster your mindset will shift to be more in alignment with your true self.

First, you have to accept that the only things you can change in this world are your behavior, your mindset, and your communication style. As you probably know by now, you have no control over other people’s behavior or mind.

Make a decision now that you will no longer blame your problems on external factors.

Let’s list those things that trigger an emotional reaction in you. Try to be as specific as possible by using an example to explain the trigger.

It’s not always easy, but when you face your emotional triggers, you bring it to light and immediately allow yourself to shine brighter than ever! It gives you the space to heal deep wounds and claim your personal power.

4. Connect with You Authentic Self

Authentic people are genuine, real, and mostly, in integrity with themselves.

Don’t try to be someone they are not or please people they don’t know. For them, being different is not an issue nor something they thrive to be; they are just themselves, and that’s where personal power comes from.

Authentic people also love doing what they enjoy and don’t try to copy others’ ideas for the sake of being successful. Their success comes from doing what is in their heart, what drives them, as opposed to what inspire others or the majority.

Take a moment to list three things that make you happy and fulfill a space in your heart:

Now find ways to do more of that. When you do the things that you love, you are claiming your power.

In conclusion, claiming your personal power is not an objective that you can necessarily achieve overnight. First, you have to accept that you are not perfect, and perfection will never be your truth. As you have learned from this 5 steps guide, claiming your personal power is not about perfection but more

about finding your true self. No matter what, don’t forget you got this and embrace yourself today!

5. Heal Your Wounds

Wounds from the past are significant barriers to claiming your powers. According to a French author named Lies Bourbeau, five wounds can limit us in our life if we don’t take the time to recognize and heal them. Those wounds are abandonment, rejection, injustice, humiliation, and betrayal.

Let’s explore each one of those wounds and see if you related to some of them.


A. Rejection

Rejection is a profound wound because the one who suffers from it feels rejected in his being and especially in his right to exist. In terms of behavior, they often doubt their right to exist. They seek solitude because if they receive a lot of attention, they would be afraid of not knowing what to do.

They don’t know what to do with themselves when they get too much attention. It is not unusual for them to live in ambivalence; when they are accepted, they won’t believe it and often create a self-sabotaging situation so that others reject them.

B. Injustice

People with the injustice wound are usually rigid and lack flexibility. Often a perfectionist and envious. These persons tend to cut themselves off from their feelings and often cross their arms. They try to be perfect and justifies themselves a lot. They find it difficult to admit that they have problems. They

often doubt their choices. They like order and tend to control themselves by demanding a lot from each other. They can be angry and cold and has difficulty showing affection. It is often difficult for people with the injustice wound to accept compliments, help, or gifts from others because they feel in debt toward the person after.

People with the humiliation wound are often ashamed of themselves and others or afraid to shame others. They think they are dirty or unclean. They don’t want to recognize and assume their sensuality and their love of the pleasures associated with the senses. That is why they often compensate and reward themselves with food. And they gain weight quickly to give themselves a reason not to enjoy their senses. They are also afraid of being

“punished” if they enjoy life too much. So, they ignore their freedom by putting the needs of others before their own, so that they stop enjoying life.

D. Abandonment

The wound experienced in the case of abandonment is the second deepest after that of rejection because they both affect the being at a profound level. Those who suffer from abandonment do not feel emotionally nourished enough. They need constant help and support. They think that they cannot do anything on their own and regularly needs someone to support them. They

tend to dramatize a lot: the smallest little incident takes on gigantic proportions. In a group, they like to talk about themselves and often brings everything back to them. Besides, they usually seek the opinion or approval of others before making decisions.

E. Betrayal (or Treason)

The wound of betrayal is intimately related to the wound of abandonment.

Very uncompromising, they want to show others what they are capable of. They often interrupt and respond before a person is finished. When things don’t go fast enough to their liking, they become angry. They hate not being

trusted and do not always keep their commitments and promises or forces themselves to keep them.

It is essential to know what your wounds are to identify your limits and what obstacles stop you from claiming your power. By being aware of your behaviors and wounds, you are getting to know yourself better and also understanding why you tend to behave in specific ways.


Unfortunately, that behavior will not lead you to be happy and live a fulfilling life. With commitment, vulnerability, and curiosity, you will be able to be the best version of yourself and put away the mask that you’ve to wear for much too long. Are you ready to claim your power?

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Medium Writers Kristie Lu Stout CNN Christina M. Ward

Thank You!

Originally published at on August 5, 2020.



Mike_Bhantz Biographies

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