How to Control 3 Minutes To Change Your Life From Now

Kiran Hetansh Khannas
Published in
5 min readOct 12, 2022
Image from Pixabay

Sit down and review your day spent. You find that 80% more of your attention in conversations with others and with yourself went into the past or future. When you live in the past or future in conversation or thought, it means you are not fully present at the moment, and when you miss the moment, you miss your life because life can only live this moment in the now.

Do a little exercise for this one hour with your friend, spouse, or family. You will not talk about anything that has already passed or will not talk about anything that has not happened. It is conscious attention on not talking past or future; after some time, you will realize there is nothing much to talk about and look at each other and say, “what do we talk about?”

We talk about the past over which we cannot control or influence change. Past is over FULL STOP. It is difficult but not impossible. Ever since you have your senses, you have learned past is past; still, we talk about the past. Time is not the best healer unless you try to heal the wound quickly with ointments.

Do not worry, and it is with everyone you are not alone. Me, you, and everyone face this today or tomorrow. We know but are not aware of how to control the moment.

3 minutes Mantra that can change your life

1 Minute that has PAST (Not in your CONTROL)

1 Minute NOW (In your Control)

1 Minute is yet to come (Not in your CONTROL)

Control your 3 minutes right now by always attempting to live in the present moment, not spoiling by thoughts of the past or what will happen. Do this again and again; trust me, your life will change now since YOU control your present minute.

You can live without being in the present moment; nothing wrong with this but my friend, it is depleting your energy for something beyond your control or influence.

You proudly say, “I will never forget the hurt given to me” what are you achieving? Ask yourself. Every time you think about this, you will say they should not have done this to me, or they should not have hurt me like this. You gain nothing.

What are you doing? Are you wasting your present 1 moment on something for which we do not influence change? If something bad happens to you, does that mean you keep thinking about this for the rest of your life?

Next is

Control Your Environment

Learn from the experience and MOVE ON… otherwise, you will keep depleting your energy by rewinding your past… no more chatting about the past over dinner or at the coffee table. You need to move on and take control of this 1 minute.

Be strict on changing the environment; act Now at this moment

Once you attempt to FULL STOP your past, others will also not start this even though they want to enjoy this conversation for no reason.

So your past is unpleasant but does not allow this present 1 minute to be unpleasing, instead attempt to make it pleasing so that the next 1 minute of the future is beautiful with this thought.

“Everything-including love, hate, and suffering- need food to continue. If suffering continues, it’s because we keep feeding our suffering. To live in the present moment is a miracle.

The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth in the present moment and appreciate the peace and beauty available now.” Thich Nhat Hanh.

Two most difficult past

1. Past relationship that hurts you

2. Loss of your dear one

A relationship you can try to revive it, but once you make your best attempt, do not force the relationship for survival. Bless the relationship and move forward.

Try the Law of Attraction and Hopno Hopno

Dear xyz

1) I am sorry

2) Please forgive me

3) Thank you for being with me

4) I love you

Easy said than done, I know, but this is the best solution for the present moment.

Loss of the dear one, and the memories attached are good and motivating to you but difficult to eliminate if you made yourself guilty. It is the toughest past if you know you have hurt the departed soul, and this feeling will haunt you forever. Difficult, but again not impossible. Apply 3 minutes strategy.

Bhagwat Gita says, “Whatever happened, happened for the good. Whatever is happening is happening for the good. Whatever will happen, will also happen for the good,”

Why am I writing this blog? Everyone knows this — Is not it? But if reading this, and one connects to this, can help control 3 minutes of his life, it will make me happy.

Budha Law of Cause and Effect- Your Karma

Accept whatever has happened to you in the past. Nothing ever happens to you unless you deserve it. You receive what you earn, whether it is good or bad. You are the way you are now because of the things you have done in the past. The same applies to the one who has hurt you; that’s their Karma. Our thoughts and actions determine the life we can have. If you do good things, good things will happen to you. So bless the one who has hurt you in the past. (Difficult, but do this to help you implement 3 minutes). If you think of revenge, you will not be at peace. Every moment you create new Karma through what you say, do and think. If you understand this, you need not fear Karma. It becomes your friend. It teaches you to create a bright future.

Another beautiful thought

“If you are depressed, you are living in the past, and if you are anxious, you are living in the future, if you are at peace, you are living in the present.” Lao Tzu.

Learn to focus only on the present. The past is unchangeable, so it is futile to reflect on it unless you make sure you do not repeat mistakes. The future is but a result of your action today. So learn from the past to do better in the present to succeed in the future.” Jordan Lejuwaan

In Conclusion

  • Be mindful of your 3 minutes by BE IN PRESENT.
  • Change your environment
  • Accept past Karma and take control of the Present and Future.

