How to Cope with Failed Projects

5 tips to help you try again

Remi Roy


Photo by Lolostock on Adobe Stock

Have you ever tried many things in a row that did not work?

Maybe you failed consistently at school.

Or you started several businesses that just did not do well.

Or you wrote books no one wanted to read.

Well, I’ve been there.

I’m naturally a private person, but most projects are usually public things.

By their very nature, they have to be used by others, seen by others, read or bought by others, so it is easy to be discouraged and wonder if everyone thinks you’re a complete and utter failure just because you’ve tried out a few things that didn’t work.

I used to be like this.

I hesitated to start a blog back in 2009 because I was afraid no one will read it, then everyone will know me as that girl who started a blog that no one read. Silly, yes. 🙄 But at the time it made sense to me.

I was afraid of failing.

I just wanted to do everything right the first time. I hated making mistakes or looking silly or like I didn’t know what I was doing.

If you’re feeling this way, let me help you get over that with this little secret. Listen carefully, ‘no one cares.’



Remi Roy

Writer. Entrepreneur. Host of The Driven Introvert Podcast.