How to Create a Customized Search Bar for Your Website

No coding necessary

Ashley Nicole


Photo by Benjamin Dada on Unsplash

Google’s search engine is powerful, useful, and customizable. Google’s Programmable Search Engine website allows you to create a search bar tailored to your needs, powered by Google’s search algorithms. You can create a search bar for your website, for free, and even make money from it.

Every Website Needs a Search Bar

Search bars allow customers and clients to quickly navigate your website to find what they are looking for. It improves the user experience, being able to find useful information without searching every page on your website. Poor navigation might cause customers from clicking away, so a search bar helps prevent that.

Set up Your Search Bar

Create a new search

Screenshot by Author

You can create a new search bar by going to There, you can list different websites and webpages that will show up in search results. Additionally, here you name your search bar, which is helpful if you create multiple custom search bars.



Ashley Nicole

Lover of puns. I make films, games, & other fun stuff. Check out my art, writing, and more: