How to Create Impactful Titles That Attract Readers

Jorge Ch.
Published in
4 min readApr 7, 2024
Man reading
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

A title is the gateway to your post. It guarantees a big part of the job of persuading your audience.

Title can spoil all the rest of your work. Copyblogger reveals that 80% of readers don’t proceed beyond the headline.

The title invites the reader to read the content. It’s the most important sentence of the article.

How many times have we suffered from creating a spectacular article and then seeing that no one visits it? Then we ask ourselves: what happened?

The problem is that the title fulfills two functions:

· To let the reader know what the page is about.

· To let search engines classify your article, among other things, by the title.

The title is what is shown when you share on social networks. It is what appears in search engines along with the meta description or in the browser tab.

And there is another problem you may not know about that happens all the time. Google has a habit of “rewriting” title tags in its search results.

Let’s read what Gary Illyes, a Google Search team analyst, says:

‘We will never stop rewriting titles. We’ve seen many sites whose titles really suck. Many sites have no title; many sites have a title that says “Home page.”’

68.54% of sites have pages with this problem, according to the site Ahrefs.

No further comments, right?

Title length

The title should be between 50 and 60 characters long. If it’s too long, Google will cut it off, and the idea will be halved.

Keep in mind that the majority of searches are done from mobile, where a long title makes no sense.

On the other hand, short titles will have little information. This will prevent you from including powerful or emotional words.

It’s something we sometimes forget. Look at the difference in how two of my titles are displayed on Google:

Correct title on Google
Incorrect tItle on Google

The first one got nine times more clicks than the second one.

To promise something

Titles should promise something. In fact, Google can penalize you if it sees that your title is not consistent with the content.

Sometimes we make the mistake of making them too eclectic, and that doesn’t help the reader to click.

Keeping this in mind will save you a few headaches.

Also, don’t reveal everything in the title, because that will discourage the reader, and they won’t continue.

Here’s an example of how not to do it:

· How I advise improving writing by writing every day.

Clickbait titles

Falling into this trap is quite easy. I believe we have all gone through this at some point.

We want to cause a sensation and have the best possible title, but we must be measured.

The title must reveal what the article is about, nothing more, nothing less.


Titles that generate mystery help a lot with the reader’s curiosity.

Examples of mystery titles:

· Will the value of a known watch continue to grow?

· The biggest business disasters.

Showing solutions

This is what the reader wants in the end, which is why they are in the search engine. Give them a title that solves something, and you will have the user on your side.

Saving time and money

These are two very valuable resources for the user. Show them the shortcut that leads to leveraging one of these two, and you will have guaranteed success.


· We have found a free alternative to ChatGPT 4.

Question form titles

The reader immediately connects with this title. He knows that, being in the form of a question, he understands that the content will be an answer. That is exactly what the user is looking for: answers.

The use of numbers

Using an odd number at the beginning works very well. It’s a matter of statistics. When you don’t have a more original title, resort to this resource.

Lists, guides, and advice

The reader’s brain likes order, and if it comes in the form of a guide, you are giving them the complete pack. He looks for an ordered and simple solution, so a list is ideal.


Titles are fundamental. They suggest that the article is interesting. Dedicate time to making irresistible titles, and you won’t have problems getting views on your articles.

Use online tools that help you create the best title possible. One of them is the “MonsterInsights Headline Analyzer”.

I hope you liked it. “If you wish to receive more tips like these, follow me”.



Jorge Ch.

Software developer who likes to write about personal development, programming and technology in general.