How to Create Real Abundance in Your Life

From here and now

Sammy Wan


Photo by Vika Strawberrika on Unsplash

What I’ve been learning and embodying recently is the idea that things could be easy, and maybe I could achieve while leaning back a bit, and just a bit more.

And let’s see what I discover from here.

What is available to me from this space?

This is the true wisdom to getting what you want—knowing when to take bold action with forward momentum, and sitting back with deep trust and non-doing.

Just like the forward and backward motion of a swing, the joy is in the push and pull of the experience. The art of achieving is also found in this dance of asking and receiving.

Some of us may be familiar with the idea of manifesting and the law of attraction, but there’s more than getting into the energetic alignment of asking and receiving.

It offers a great foundation and principles of how positive thoughts attract positive things in your life and vice versa, but beyond that, we need to look at it from a biological and body-science perspective to integrate the change we want. We need to feel safe in our bodies by creating small and doable steps from where we are.

“The body is anchored in the here and now while the mind travels to the past…



Sammy Wan

Inspiring mindfulness, creativity & growth through my personal reflections | An invitation to mind-body approach for more wisdom: