How to customize your phone home screen?

Make your phone your own

5 min readJan 2, 2021


Introduction :

Over the past decade or so, our phones became extremely essential to us.

We have now reached a point where it is almost impossible to live without a phone.

We merged most of our daily activities into one little compact device, whether it’s from a minimalism perspective or usability.

It is all combined in one device, with all these things considered, our phones are at the same time our biggest solution and greatest problem, keeping in mind how much time wasted on the overwhelming amount of unnecessary content on the internet. Therefore scheduling, planning ahead is progressively becoming a necessity in order to save time for ourselves.

In this article I have assembled 7 major steps to organize your phone and also kept things as precise and concise as possible :

1-Choose your FAV wallpaper:

author’s own photo

Since it will be there for a considerable amount of time, then it needs to be functional, maybe motivational or even inspirational with the exception of text, remember, your choice is somewhat a reflection of who you are, so keep that in mind when choosing your home screen wallpaper.

Additionally, on the base section of your home-screen consider firstly a calling app which also provides access to your contacts, messages then your email with more 3 apps of your choice most likely your daily used apps are highly recommended in this section

2-Setting your Calendar :

the key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities . Stephen R .Covey

Scheduling is obviously the most important so, here I chose google calendar for its great accessibility and compatibility with the different devices after that is the point of using digital calendars.

author’s own photo

Here are a few reasons why scheduling :

  • Calendars your goals. …
  • Scheduling allows for the prioritization of tasks. …
  • Claps back against procrastination. …
  • Saves you money. …
  • Keeps everyone on the same page. …
  • It’s good for your well-being.

In order to successfully schedule you can follow these 5 essential steps:

1-Define the Schedule Activities.

2 -Sequence the Activities.

3- Estimate the Resources Needed for the Activity

4- Estimating the Duration of Each of the Activities

5- Schedule Development

6- Monitoring and Controlling the Schedule

3-Positioning your FAV Notebook :

author’s own photo

Regardless of your profession, you are always required to take notes, daily so easy access to your notes can help you get along with your day.

Here is why taking notes is important and how to properly do it:

4-Adding your FAV To-do list:

author’s own photo

Task management is defined as the process of handling the entire life-cycle of a task, right from planning to tracking to execution.

Every day we have tasks to accomplish that are listed below according to Mr Dwight D. Eisenhower in this manner, where we handle the immediate and then invest our time in what is important and non-urgent.

5-Including some daily Apps:

author’s own photo

Now, these daily apps can vary from a profession to another, and also the most used monthly those we use often are the ones featured on our home screen, either that or you will try to force yourself to utilize the most useful apps to you to tackle your daily challenges

6-Introducing Google ICON search:

author’s own photo

The Google app keeps you in the know about things that matter to you. Find quick answers, explore your interests, and stay up to date with Discoveries of your own interest.

It is mainly to ease the process of research keeping an optimized icon of google that can provide you with unlimited access to information

7- Easy Access to the medium app:

author’s own photo

If you love reading then you probably use medium daily, and a comfortable location on the screen is critical since more than 80 % right-handed It is preferred to keep it close in order to easily access the application.

To sum up, here are some of the benefits of reading :

  • Reduce stress levels (by 68 percent!)
  • Preserve brain health and lower the risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia.
  • Alleviate anxiety and depression.
  • Help you fall asleep.
  • Increase life expectancy.
  • Boost happiness and overall life satisfaction

Notice: if you are left-handed then you can switch everything to the opposite side for better Usability

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