How To Deal With Chronic Pain During The Summer Months

Is the heat hurting you?

Lisa Fouweather


Photo by Good Days Digital on Unsplash

With the warmer weather upon us, much of the nation will be suffering from an increase in summer aches and pains, such as migraines, muscle pain, and arthritis. High humidity levels and heat can exacerbate symptoms and inflammation in the body. Further, there are other summer challenges such as travel if you are going away, and looking after the kids who, owing to the summer holidays, are now at home all day.

Here, The Pain Coach Richmond Stace looks at ways to promote Summer wellness and look after your body. With over 30 years in healthcare, his top tips can help you stay safe and have fun this summer!

Photo by Ethan Robertson on Unsplash

Summer Chronic Pain Complaints

- Joint pain

Heat can cause swelling in the ligaments, muscles, and tendons around our joints and this inflammation can lead to more chronic pain.

- Migraine sufferers

The warmer weather can trigger migraines and tension-related headaches. Heat causes dehydration which is also a trigger of these attacks, hence why it’s…



Lisa Fouweather

22 yr old Indie Published Queer Writer @, Activist, & Political Poet, I write about the things that matter in a society gone wrong.